I’m not always a big fan of the things Jessica Alba has to say but I’ve always been a big fan of the fact that she has the guts to say them. I also happen to think she’s absolutely stunning. She’s one of the very few women in the entertainment industry that can pull off the ultra-sexy vixen look in one photoshoot or movie role and be the adorable girl next door in the next. In these photos taken while Jessica gets her nails done in New York, we’re treated to something rare – Jessica smiling. Over the last few years, Jessica really seems to have found a lot of happiness in her life and that’s so great to see. I love this girl.
Aww, Jessica’s adorable. I like the fact she’s as comfy and beautiful in everyday clothes as she is in 100% gorgeous red-carpet get-ups. Though she’s a mum, she still feels like a little sister to me. And it’s good to see her taking time out for herself.
Jessica’s lovely. I’ve always loved her, from the time I first saw her in Dark Angel to Honey to Fantastic Four to now being a mum. She comes across as really down-to-earth to me. And she’s very beautiful of course. :-)