written by Wanda

Britney Spears Confuses Me

Come on, Britney. I can’t be posting that I think you’re starting to look sexy again one week and posting that I think you look like a hot mess the next but you’re not really leaving me much of a choice here. These performance pictures from Estadio Unico, Buenos Aires are just… no. No. I can’t even do this. I love Britney and I want so badly for her be the cute pop princess she used to be. I guess I’m just stuck in the past. To be fair, these pictures are an improvement over some of the other recent performance pictures I’ve seen. Perhaps she is headed in the right direction. I don’t know, guys. I’m just confused here. Britney Spears – hot or not?


  • She’s fat and incapable of losing weight, despite the fact that she can afford an army of personal chefs and trainers, and that looking fit is supposed to be one of the biggest aspects of her job.

    It’s pathetic really.

  • I used to think Britney Spears was hot during her “Oops I did it again” years. After having babies from all those losers, NOW I would never let my cock even come close to her pussy. Because, I will be damned if I catch something from a chick like her. I’m clean and staying that way.

    I have nothing against her and I’m not going trash her weight. She should though, maintain her weight better. All she has to do as a singer is maintain her pipes and bod. It’s not digging ditches.

  • I’d hit it.

  • She’s stiill very hot. Ppl try to act like her job is easy, but `it’s not. It’s a lot of hard work that most ppl who judge her couldn’t do. I think she looks great & is doing very good :-)

  • These pics are still a hell of a lot better than some, she looks okay here. not great though, shes still a long way from her best. I definitely wouldn’t kick her out of bed though, some of the dance moves she pulls off are sexy as hell!

  • I think she still looks hot. I see how she is now, not based on how she used to look. And to me, she’s still got it. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion though, of course. I, for one, wouldn’t complain if I looked like that at her age.

  • shes still hot!!! id eat my dinner out if britneys ass!!!!

  • and i wouldnt do that for just anyone!!!

  • slug, well you better hope her ass is pretty clean then. I know it’s just a figure of speech on your part though. But if you are serious, you’d have to get through her bodyguards first. By the time they’re done, I doubt you’ll have an ass to sit on let alone a mouth to eat outta her ass with.

  • Mike, the biggest aspect of her job is talent.

    F Mon Devil, how can you say you’re not trashing her weight but under the same breath say she needs to maintain it better? Make up your mind.

    I’m also figuring you never studied biology in school. The ‘pussy’ is for pleasure and for birth. Doesn’t make it or her dirty.

  • she is fat lol, she is fit, she has toned body, she is pretty, she has great boobs and ass, most women are probably just jealous of her so belittle her, I am a guy and I know for one I would bang her any day of the week, she is hot, well all have different opinions which is fine
