written by Wanda

Epic Taylor Swift Cameltoe

Oh dear – poor Taylor Swift. That’s just embarrassing, isn’t it? I have to be honest. I hate writing about photos like these ones. If I were the photographer that snapped some of these Taylor Swift cameltoe photos, I’d just quietly delete them off my camera and move on. At the same time, I know people want to see that sort of thing so I am here writing about them anyway. Okay, the cameltoe has been acknowledged. Time to talk about … well, anything else. Basically, these photos were shot at the Tracy Anderson gym in Studio City while Taylor was leaving. I have to say, for someone that just finished a workout, Taylor’s looking pretty freaking awesome.


  • Taylor is so HOT! Now I see what she has between her legs I think she’s even more HOT!! OMG, She’s got it all!!

  • If given the opportunity-I would knock the dust out of the bottom of that thang.

  • she is pretty but little too skinny, i prefer women with a bit of meat on their bones, each to their own even though no denying she is attractive
