written by Wanda

Hot Bikini Photo Shoot With Denise Richards

Denise Richards is a babe. This is pretty common knowledge. What bugs me about Denise is that more attention seems to be paid to her personal life than is paid to her career. On the other hand, her career hasn’t exactly been red hot as of late and her personal life was, for a while at least, full of drama. I guess I shouldn’t really be surprised that people talk more about her life away from the cameras. I would like to see her do more acting. I don’t think she’s the most convincing actress who has ever graced the big screen but she is far from the worst. Then again, I’m perfectly fine with her focusing on modeling. She’s a beautiful woman who clearly takes care of herself. Hard to complain about anything these. These pictures are fantastic and I suppose that’s all that really matters in the end.

1 Comment

  • You are welcome, Connie. Eny time. Actually eicrnhen comes up with a red underline and I am too lazy to check to see if it really is a word. It may just be enrich your readers. This is what happens when I’m in Mexico and it’s hot I just make things up and see if enybody catches me. That’s a good excuse, no? Si, si, pienso que si. Enyway, you are a smarty pants and entellectual for sure, since you’re the only one who catches me out. Blog on!
