written by Wanda

Monica Bellucci Makes Me Glad To Be Back

Technology hates me. It’s a sad truth but a truth none the less. As some of our regular visitors may have noticed, posts have been going up a little slowly around here the last little while and the reason for that? My computer is a jerk and likes to make my life as hard as possible. We’re back now though and what better way to celebrate that than with this smoking hot set of Monica Bellucci pictures. I mean, this woman … this woman … she’s just the kind of sexy you don’t stumble across every day. It’s not just her face or her body. It’s something beyond that. This photo set could easily be one of the best photo sets I’ve posted to date. Absolutely incredible – beautiful, beautiful, talented woman. I adore her and I adore these photos.


  • For half a second there I thought the title of this post was “Monica Bellucci Makes Me Glad To Be Black”. What a post THAT would be! (Although, yeah, it makes no sense.)

  • she is a stunning women, sizzling hot
