written by Wanda

Nabilla Benattia Filming In Miami

I know, I know. Nabilla Benattia is looking pretty hot in these photos from when she was filming in Miami recently, but I’m still not really a big fan. There’s just something about this woman that doesn’t sit right with me. She’s attractive and she has a great body but … yeah. I just don’t feel it like I do with some of the other women I post about on a regular basis. Perhaps that’s my reality show bias coming through. I’m not sure. I feel like there’s something unnatural about her. That doesn’t always bother me but sometimes I do find it hard to ignore. I guess that’s the case here. All the same, she does look good. She’s just not the first person I would look up if I wanted to look at hot women.


  • she is fit

  • she is really hot, to be fair all these girls are good looking
