written by lyn

Pamela Anderson Got Healthy Boobs

Joining with other artists like Katy Perry, the sexy Pamela Anderson was stunningly sexy on stage at the Life Ball 2009 at the city hall Vienna, Austria. The golden corset embraces the beautiful curves of the Baywatch star. If I were on the event, I would definitely enjoy seeing Pamela on stage with having a good walk with an oldie got goodie radio cassette player. With her gorgeous moves and sexy image, it seems like Pamela felt the weight of the cassette player, but still she was able to project fashionably. On her presumably arrival, Pamela was so sexy on her black shining blouse with abundant boobs around.

Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela AndersonPamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson Pamela Anderson


  • Pam is still rocking!

  • no matter what people say Pamela is still in damn good shape

  • Well I heard she already done some nude ptieurcs put there not posted yet, and if you look on google images and type Tegan brady’ and take safesearch off you will find a picture somewhere of her showing one of her nipples.
