written by Wanda

Selena Gomez Looking So Very Pretty.

Sometimes Selena Gomez surprises me. She’s such a beautiful young lady but I sometimes forget how quickly she’s growing up. I’m not sure whether or not these photos are new or older but it doesn’t matter to me. They show off one of the things I like most about Selena – her innocence. Sure it could all be one ruse but in an age when so many young celebrities are getting themselves stuck in one scandal after another, it’s nice to see one that seems to be going about growing up in the spotlight a bit of a different way. These photos are lovely – some of my favorite Selena Gomez photos to date.


  • she is 20 yrs old, thank god for a minute I thought she was like 16/17, she is a fine looking young lady, amazing body on her too, lovely legs

  • id lick her all over

  • she is very hot indeed
