written by Wanda

Sexy New Photos Of Candice Swanepoel For Elle

Candice Swanepoel is stunning. She’s absolutely gorgeous and I get a little excited every time I see her name on my assignment list because writing about her is always a joy. This set of photos (shot in BRazil for Elle) is perhaps my favorite Candice Swanepoel set yet though. She doesn’t necessarily look any more or any less attractive than she normally does. What I like about these photos is the mix of professional shots and candid shots. We get to see the photo shoot from another perspective and I enjoy that. It sets these shots of Candice apart from many of the other shots we’ve seen. It’s a nice behind the scenes look at the gorgeous model between poses and I hope this is only the first of many sets like this I get to write about.


  • I’m telling you, this girl is going to regret tanning so aggressively. She’s already starting to show the side effects and what a shame since she is by far the most attractive model on the planet.

    Oh well.

  • They should call her candy for short because that is what this gal is. She is a piece of eye candy that I would not mind tasting. Sexy does not even begin to describe it all at.
