From the front, this is a pretty great look for pop singer, JoJo. She has great legs and a unique, young and fresh style. What I wasn’t crazy about, however, was the side/rear view of the dress. I don’t like the giant puff of material on the back. It isn’t flattering and it distracts from an otherwise awesome look. I guess I just don’t understand the kids these days or something. I suppose it’s all fashionable and the MTV Video Music Awards are known for over the top fashion statements, but this look just doesn’t work for me overall. From the front though, JoJo looks awesome. It just would’ve been better without the puff.
Dam hot set of legs on a stunningly beautiful women!
Why is she popular? She is average at best.
She is very pretty, Id smash her anyday
very nice looking girl and she has a great body on her
she is fit as fuck, great legs and her body is so curvy and hot