written by Wanda

Paris Hilton Continues To Be Famous For Being Famous.

I don’t hate Paris Hilton. I know a lot of people do but I’m not one of them. Paris hasn’t exactly worked hard to earn her place among the entertainment industry elite but she has certainly gotten there anyway and while that would usually bother me, I make an exception for Paris. I can’t explain why. I suppose I just like her for whatever reason. Here at the VIP Room Nightclub in Cannes, Paris seems to be up to her usual activities; dancing, playing with her hair, looking fabulous and being seen at the hottest locales. I really like the dress she’s wearing. She looks great and the dress really flatters her. I usually wouldn’t be a big fan of the color but Paris has a knack for finding colors I wouldn’t normally like and making them look good. She has an eye for fashion, or her stylist does at least, and I like that.

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