written by Wanda

Kate Upton Is Back In My Good Graces

Not that it matters. Kate Upton couldn’t care less if I like her or not. She likes herself and not in some stuck up, conceited, “I’m better than everyone else” way but in a, “I like who I am and that’s enough for me” way. I really respect that. She has real self confidence. Remember when everyone was going on about how over weight she is? I’m sure that hurt her feelings but you’d never know it to look at her. She not only kept her head up and pushed through the negativity, she showed the world that beauty isn’t just about fitting in a size zero dress. I know some people will look at these shots of Kate on the beach in the Bahamas and nitpick about this or that but not me. To me, these photos are gorgeous. I don’t see a thing wrong with them. I hope Kate keeps on being Kate and doesn’t let anyone bring her down.

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