written by Wanda

Aida Yespica And Natalia Bush In Miami

Up until a few weeks ago, I’d never seen the name Aida Yespica but lately it seems I’m seeing it nearly every week. I’m not complaining, mind you. Just wanted to point that out. In this most recent set of pictures, Aide Yespica and Natalia Bush hit the beaches of Miami in little bikinis for a little girl time. I’m pretty happy about that. It’s always nice to see women taking time out for their girl friends – especially when they’re super hot women and they decide to spend their quality time on the beach in bikinis. I’m not a big fan of reality television celebrities as I’ve mentioned what feels like a hundred times (to regular readers as well, I’m sure) but I can make an exception for Aida. She earned her fame as Miss Venezuela which puts her a step above many of the other reality stars who earned their fame by being terrible people on television.


  • Hi, the brunette is not Aida Yespica, is Claudia Galanti!!!

  • hi everybody! the brunette is Nena Ristic

  • yeah Nena Ristic!!!

  • Ugh. I don’t know what’s going on with my source. I label the pictures as they’re given to me. I assume they give me the correct information. For some of them, I can tell if the information is wrong but for some of them I can’t. Sadly, this is one of the ones I can’t. I’ll make sure the problem is corrected as soon as possible.

  • Wanda Change Source!!!

  • @Donna

    Please don’t blame Wanda. I must have mixed names while uploading the photo set.

    Thank you again for informing us. I will be more careful in the future.

    Have a wonderful 2012 ;)

  • it’s a joke and thanks for pictures!

  • You are welcome!

    There are many more to come ;)

  • Seriously, change your sources if they mess up on things like this.

  • Dwight, take a chill pill. Wanda’s explained. And so has Uros. Wanda’s said she’ll correct it and Uros has said he’ll apply more care in the future. What more do you want: blood, a day’s stint in hell as punishment?

  • Lookig at thes pictures it would appear these two women are LESBOS at that’s what my stickie fingers tells me SPANK ON …. SPANK ON

  • wowwww yessss thx bro
