written by Wanda

Aviva Drescher Makes Me So Freaking Happy

There are a lot of things I don’t like about Aviva Drescher and there are a few things I do like about her. In this particular case, the things I like about her outweigh the things I don’t like by a fairly wide margin. I’m not a fan of ‘reality television’. I never really have been. Out of all the reality shows on television though, theĀ Real Housewives series sits somewhere near the bottom of the barrel for me. In my opinion, there is nothing real about those housewives. With that said, in my eyes, Aviva is different. She lost her leg in a farming accident when she was a child but she still hits the beach in a bikini without the slightest indication that she’s at all self conscious about her prosthetic. And why would she be? The woman looks incredible.

1 Comment

  • She’s the most sexy and wonderful belly button of the jet-set!!
