written by Wanda

Bar Refaeli Is A Single Woman

Well, she might not be single (I can’t imagine a stunner like Bar staying single for long), but she is no longer letting Leonardo DiCaprio touch her naughty bits. I’d feel bad for Leo for losing such a hot woman, but let’s be honest – Leo has a pretty awesome track record when it comes to women (remember, before Bar there was Gisele). I think Leo’s doing the George Clooney route except instead of hot waitresses, Leo goes for hot models. I don’t really feel that bad for Bar either. Just look at these pictures. If she wants to settle down, get married and have kids there are a million guys out there willing to fill the role of husband and father. Alternatively, if she wants to stay single, I’m sure she’ll have a great time with that as well. Bar seems like such a laid back, easy going woman. One of my favorite models and definitely a woman that can do whatever the hell she wants – Leo or no Leo.


  • i guess i’m in love with bar

  • I am also single.. Bar, we should meet!
