written by Nabanita

Birthday Girl Vanessa Hudgens

Ever heard anything about women feeling really sexy with high heels? Well here’s a perfect example. Vanessa Hudgens certainly knows how to make all heads turn towards. This time it’s not the blue suede shoes, but the heels certainly do the trick. What’s even better is the damsel in need portrayal, arm around arm for support, and everyone’s longing for her to be in their arms. Certainly the girl knows how to party, and that’s why we’re here sitting and gaping at exclusive images of her. Well, like they say, pictures always tell a story, so here are a few sneak peeks.

Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens

Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens Vanessa Hudgens


  • Do we have an upskirt here?

  • Yes and some nice leggy legs :p

  • I want to see a video of her and Zac having sex!

  • lovely legs

  • she has great legs
