So I love Brenda Song. On her worst day, she’s the kind of adorable that can make the whole world seem so much brighter. On her best day she just makes me want to burst into a horribly embarrassing giggle fit. Such is the case with these shots from Elyse Walker Presents The Pink Party in Santa Monica. Brenda Song wrapped up in pink? Too cute! Of course, Brenda is more than just adorable. Somehow, she manages to be nearly unbearably cute and super sexy at the same time. It’s a hard feat to accomplish but Brenda does it beautifully. Great shots of a lovely young lady.
she is such a hottie, nice outfit too, sexy pics
gorgeous women, so pretty
very nice looking
She is so hot love to fuck her in the ass and feel her ass in that skirt
she is a cracking looking lady, nice body on her too, sexy outfit nice legs, we need to see more this chick.
Love asian women
we need more sexy asian chicks on here, brenda is a nice addition, she is very pretty