Eva Mendes looked so good as a shipwrecked wench that she attracted all the men in the vicinity. That was the idea in this fashion shoot promoting Campari. Even the werewolf-man was deeply smitten by Eva. If I ever lose my way anywhere, I would like to be rescued by a good looking person carrying Campari and some more!

Campari calendar 2008 by Eva Mendes:

She is hot. Just saw her photos on a celebrity and millionaire dating site called. Don’t know if it is her.
Buen tre1iler y buena idea lo de poner las galeredas aparte. Me rudcerea mucho a Hartigan el protagonista…Parece que a Hollywood le ha gustado el ge9nero. Al final, la sacan antes que Sin City 2 para captar a sus seguidores y ased, asegurarse otra saga de peledculas…My city screams… jajaP.D: Que9 asco que tambie9n salga Eva Mendes. Espero que en esta peledcula no haga el papel con el que nos tiene acostumbrado…Ciao