And Hayden Panettiere was caught in the act of catching up on some Christmas shopping (or something) just the other day as she wandered around New York City the other day. Who is this with her and what is with the boots? Is this mom? Sister? Token friend? I am guessing mom. And I am also guessing the boots are supposed to get shorter with age, right? Someone should tell her… pssst! Hayden! It doesn’t actually snow that much in Manhattan! Letting her know the boots are not doing her cellulite any favors wouldn’t hurt either.

You ass.
Cellulite? Do you even have a clue what that word means? Here’s a big hint, there’s no way she has anything even close to cellulite. Pull your head out of your ass.
Throw some fishnets in there and it’s perfect
Okay, cellulite? Snow? Pretty pathetic reach for a pissy comment there. Sad, sad, sad.
Maybe someone should clue in this “writer” (it did hurt a little to call the author of this trash a writer) that “the other day” only needs to be said one time in a given sentence.
Cellulite? Are you nuts? She looks great O.o
damn! her boots r nice!! she awesome too n
im still wondering where i can find a pair myself
if any one can help me out dat would be great!! cellulite c’mon no way =)
What a beautiful young woman and talented actresses, i can’t understand why mediocre non entities have to make snide remarks, hang on yes i can it’s called Jealousy