written by Wanda

Helen Flanagan Certainly Isn’t Shy

I’ve given Helen Flanagan a bit of a hard time on a few occasions about her sometimes questionable fashion choices. This would be one of those occasions. While I can’t deny she looks great in these photos from her night out in Manchester, the plunging thigh-split shirt dress is … well, it’s a little racy for a night out, isn’t it? Maybe I’m just being old and prudish. She body looks fantastic and I love how she’s chosen to wear her hair but for me, this particular outfit lands closer to the trashy side of things. All that out of the way, she looks sexy which is obviously what she was going for so good for her. She is a grown woman that can wear what she wants to wear even if some might think it was in questionable taste.

1 Comment

  • she is a pretty girl with a superb body, full figured, amazing rack, great curves, nice legs she is nice indeed her outfits as you say are a bit OTT but most are nowadays.

    Do you know who the chick with her is in the white outfit because she is bang tidy herself, nice face, very good cleavage on show and has a wonderful curvy figure
