Yes, she is AT 27 dresses, not IN 27 dresses. Here is Jennifer Love Hewitt at the 27 Dresses premiere in Los Angeles. The movie stars Katherine Heigl and is a proverbial ‘always a bridesmaid’ type story. Jennifer didn’t really need 27 dresses for the occasion, who does really except maybe Cher, but you think she may have wanted to be a little more close-lidded when it came to her top. I mean, sexy is one thing but I am really thinking the ‘Too Much Information’ alert should be sounded soon. Mind you, this IS the girl who also thinks she’s a size 2 so go figure. And p.s. does she know any other pose? Or is her hand actually glued to her hip? Just curious…

She has one of the nicest smiles. I have never seen her nude too.
She is so mysterious, love her body.
she is a beauty, no doubt at all…
what a body love W c her nude
great cleavage, she is so gorgeous, what a babe
lovely looks, great curves and busty as hell, whats not to adore in this women