Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe had a holiday in Monaco. These are their bikini pictures. Here, Kim looked slightly slimmer in her behind. Previously, even Paris Hilton had commented on Kim’s bum. Paris was a smart socialite who seldom meddled in other people’s affairs unless she had personal interest in them. Kim took heed and had some laser cellulite treatment to minimize and reduce the bumps. Kim would be promoting her E! reality show at the Monaco Film Festival.

Nice Kim’s ass shot!
all she got is sexy big ass
Her sister is nicer! :)
i think they are both hot :)
Gorgeous bare thighs and killer hips, Kim is hot…little sister almost has the same qualities!
If you want to look at a cow drive through Nebraska.
Both of these women are hot, wish I could see Kim and her new guy go at it. Kourtney needs to release a sex tape too.
sooooooooweeeeeeee is not sweet its a pig call for u urban ass wipes
awesome butt..i can masturbate anywher looking at her
kims body is just perfect.
kim is a full woman…….