At the sets of the ‘Soul Surfer’ the duo, Lorraine Nicholson and Anna Sophia was seen showing off skin on Wednesday as the filming continued in Oahu, Hawaii. The movie is based on a real life story incident faced by Bethany Hamilton who was attacked by a tiger shark when she was 13. Both Lorraine and Anna Sophia were spotted recently at a shop at the beach called the Sea maids. They were both in sparkling outfits with Anna in sexy looking ‘One & only YC’ shorts. They will be soon be joined by country singer Carry Underwood in the movie.
When the Food-Bank was notified by Lorraine Aromando that we had been stecleed to receive 17 TONS of Tyson Chicken because of the video she had submitted highlighting Cheverus High School s Thanksgiving Food Drive we were thrilled! The need for food has increase enormously over the past three years here in Maine. More than 175,000 Mainers are classified as food insecure; that is an increase of more than 17% since 2007. Quality protein is especially important (and hard to get) so this donation was truly like gold to the Food-Bank and the more than 650 agencies we serve. It was great to have several of Cheverus High School s Key Club members visit the Food-Bank the day of the donation. Being at the Food-Bank when the Tyson truck arrived allowed them to truly see the impact they had on their community. Because of their hard work, not only did they provide Thanksgiving baskets to hundred of hungry neighbors, they helped to provide nearly 30,000 meals to those that are hungry throughout Maine. It s also great to know that these students are the next generation of leaders. We look forward to see what they are going to do next!