Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox posed on the red carpet during the premiere of “Eagle Eye” on Sept. 16. Fox looked beautiful in her tight, strapless dress. LaBeouf was handsome in his suit. Eagle Eagle featured a mysterious voice who spoke to the screen characters. The reporters asked LaBeouf and his co-star, Michelle Monaghan about the identity of the voice. They refused to answer. Eventually, Rosario Dawson let the cat out of the bag. She was Julianne Moore.

Wooooah Megan is most stunning girl I’ve ever seen!!!
Keep rockin baby! :)
I’ve had better! I don’t see what is the big deal here? She only has a pretty face a thin waist some B cups and a slender frame I mean really what can you do with that? LOL
yes she is stunning. best assest she has are those legs. so toned and hoy
have to say legs too. awesome calfs
Megan Fox has nice legs!
wow i mean megan fox should be called megan labouf i mean its a awsome couple just predict