written by Wanda

Miley Cyrus Nude Photos Leak?

So whilst browsing the internet a few moments ago, I spotted a story about leaked nude Miley Cyrus photos that apparently hit the net yesterday morning. I haven’t seen them and there’s a reason for that. I don’t care. I mean, I really, honestly couldn’t care less. I think Miley is beautiful, as you can see in these photos from the official album release party for Bangerz (still the dumbest album name of all time – or close to it – if you ask me) at The General in NYC, and I like her new style but haven’t we pretty much seen her completely nude already? What’s left to see? Nipple? Vag? Eh, not interested.  Related question though, is it time to be concerned that Miley could be heading down Spears Road yet or should I wait a little longer?


  • I just ruined my keyboard ;)

    • awesome miley!!

  • awesome awesome miley!!!

  • Most likely stinky.
