Nicole Scherzinger posed for pictures at the Vodafone Awards in London on September 18. She wore a skintight PVC strapless dress. Getting shrink wrapped in plastic suited Scherzinger well. She made one good package for her lucky guy. She revels in revealing clothes but refused to reveal her true age. She has admitted lying about her real age. In unguarded moments, Scherzinger’s photos do hint that there is an older woman underneath.

check out this ass.. amazing
Is she supposed to be sexy? She is not. She is both ugly and fat.
Ugly face.
Fat belly. (Is a woman supposed to have something that looks like a huge beer belly? I don’t think so.)
Fat thighs.
Fat ass.
Errer you are officially stupid.
errer you are officially a faggot!!!
Errer is wrong! She does have a huge ass and huge thighs though, and I love it!!! :)
errer is the unofficial official dumass fagman she is hot