Pamela Anderson felt that she needed to tan only the lower half of her body. It was odd because that could result in an uneven skin tone for the upper and lower body. Anyway, the busy mother and career woman made use of her time productively. She read a book while getting baked. The photo was so clear that you could read the book’s title. It sounded like something rather brainy. That was a bit beyond my league.

emm, u are so sweet.. but i just found out your secret that you have joined the online club m y i n t e r r a c i a l m a t c h . c o m, by which you are seeking black man to be your sugar baby!
she’s smarter than I thought..I saw her profile on a celeb dating site ..interesting ? u can find out.
She looks sexy even while reading a book!
Pamtaaaaaastic xD