The beach is the place to be this Christmas, with non other than the Hilton sisters having a splash at Maui beach. Nicky was busy getting herself all wet and sandy in the sea, while Paris was probably looking at herself in a mirror somewhere. These pictures must have been taken before the recent announcement that their billionaire grandfather Barron Hilton will be giving 97% of his fortune to charity, as they look rather happy. The rest of the family will only have $69 million to split between them. How will they ever cope?

Its lucky to Paris as she not celebrate Christmas in jail this year. She looked really happy in this photo, could be already forgot whatever things happen to her before. Actually its good lesson to her. This is the first time I see her sister.Wow, not bad huh.
The two look very nice together, having fun on a beach. Notice, though, that they never take their sunglasses off so we can see their eyes.
I think she will have to get a job now since her grandfather is all ready to give all his money to charity.She still looks hot.Nicky is more hotter.
i dont think so…she already have jobs….she is asinger,model,entreupruner nad have her perfume brand….her intelligence was inherit by her father,,,
who knows what they have to do? but for now, they seem to enjoy a lot of fame and money, so i guess that’s all what matters. Maybe they are prepared to face the doom.
Well, maybe Paris should consider getting a government contract to build a prison according to her taste.. in case she’s imprisoned again.. at least she can request to stay in the one she has built.. First, she gets income, second she gets a new home.. :)
Maybe she get what she deserve and she will take a good lesson from what she have done. It seems for me her sister is more attractive then her . . .
Nicky Hilton is far more beautiful and better looking than Paris! There’s no doubt in that at all.
Well, finally someone of the Hilton family is doing something good, donating 97% of his fortune.
Even 3% of it is a lot of money.
And i agree, Nicky hilton is way much beatiful than Paris.
The Hilton sisters have always love to make the headlines no matter where they go. I just wonder how are they going to enjoy the beach with paparazzi following around. As usual, just trying to grab attention.