Rihanna was at the Z100 Party Plane with DKNY Jeans. The function was held at the Atlantis, in Paradise Island. She has caught the fever too. That is, the fever of wearing short tops and not wearing bottoms. Well, at least she had on the granny type of knickers that covered her buns decently. Her legs look extended as they were uncovered right up to her groin. She had awesome thunder thighs. I wonder if she was as tough as the dominatrix she portrayed herself to be?

cool fotoz! tnankz!
Nice posing Rihanna!
Nice shiny pantyhose legs…rihanna rules!
she a hottie ! i woudl
It’s good to see sexy legs .. thanks a lot i bookmarked this site!! ^_^
she is so hot
great pics to off to
Good sex Iam sex :)
her hips don’t lie)))
Find the ultimate collection of Rihanna’s feet!!!
love Rihanna
I will never forgive Rhianna for initiating the physical attack on Chris Brown and then turn around and claim to be the victim. Female abusers deserve the same justice.
Wana sick my White cock up and shoot my load in her sexy black ass then pull out and watch my spunk drip from her shit hole
W.D.G. Wet Dream Girl.
She got really pretty thighs I definitely want to kiss her thighs
The properties leaves