Search Results for “Se”

February 12, 2014

Cassie Ventura Absolutely Slays Me

Cassie Ventura is one of those women whose name alone tells me I’m going to love the photos I’m about to look at. Some of the women I post about on a regular basis are a little hit or miss but Cassie is definitely not one of them. In these shots, snapped in Miami Beach, we see Cassie looking absolutely stunning. I love that there’s nothing typical about her. She is her own woman and she has her own distinct style. I love that. She’s confident and secure in who she is. There’s nothing sexier than that, at least as far as I’m concerned. And then there’s that ass – oh heavens, that ass. Gorgeous. Great shots.

February 11, 2014

Kate Upton Takes A Lot Of Flack For Her Weight And I Think That’s Crazy

Here we have some shots of Kate Upton and a pretty pal out and about in New York and I gotta be honest, I see nothing at all wrong with these photos. I think Kate looks gorgeous and while I prefer her friend, that has nothing to do with Kate’s weight and everything to do with the fact that I tend to prefer women with dark hair. Is Kate a walking stick figure? Of course not but that hardly makes her unattractive. Anyone who suggests otherwise is, in my humble opinion, insane.  It’d be different if Kate looked unhealthy but she doesn’t. She looks like a woman with curves and I definitely think there’s a place in the modeling industry for a super sexy woman with real curves.

February 11, 2014

Eva Longoria Looks As Gorgeous As Ever

Eva Longoria is just one of those women who can really do no wrong in my eyes. She’s beautiful, talented, intelligent, outspoken and seems genuinely down to earth. She also seems to be the kind of woman who is proud of the things she’s accomplished but still has drive to achieve more. In these shots, we see Eva in an outfit that I’m not really loving yet I somehow still love the photos. That’s how highly I think of this lady. AS I said, in my eyes, she can really do no wrong and I meant it.

February 10, 2014
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Ilary Blasi Is A Stunning Babe

I am a big Ilary Blasi fan and I think these photos show off all of the reasons why I say that. The woman is gorgeous. Her bikini body is on point in every concievable way but more than all that, this is a woman who clearly knows how to enjoy her downtime. In these shots, snapped in Sabaudia, Ilary is the picture of relaxation and I find that appealing. Of course, the terrific ass shots might have a little something to do with the appeal as well. Okay, they might have a lot to do with it. Regardless though, love the shots.

February 10, 2014
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Kristin Cavallari Pics I Actually Like

I don’t know what it is that makes me like these photos of Kristin Cavallari when I don’t like so many other photos of her but there it is. I like these photos and I guess that’s really all that matters. I think Kristin looks adorable here. I think what I like most though, as weird as it is, is the shoes. That burst of color is a nice addition to an otherwise plain outfit. It’s a nice look for her overall and while I find the photos a little on the boring side, they’re an improvement over her usual photos, so I guess I’ll give her a win on these ones.

February 9, 2014
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Laura Whitmore Hits Up The BMWi3 Launch In London

To me, Laura Whitmore is a near perfect expression of what beauty is. I love the shape of her face. Those cheekbones are gorgeous, the eyes are gorgeous, the body is gorgeous … it’s all gorgeous. While that’s kind of a good thing, it’s kind of a bad thing too. I like women who have flaws. To me, Laura looks more Barbie than person. Now that’s not to say I think she looks plastic because she doesn’t. She just kind of looks like she could have been the original model for the Barbie doll and that doesn’t appeal to me a whole lot. Here at the BMW i3 launch party in London, Laura looks stunning. While it sounds like I’m complaining about her appearance, I’m really not. If the biggest problem I can find with a set of photos is that the subject looks too perfect, the subject is obviously doing something right. Heck, that’s a problem I’d like to have, even just once.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }