written by Wanda

Sexy Sophie Howard Bikini Photoshoot

I know we don’t hear a lot about Sophie Howard anymore but that doesn’t matter to me in the least. I think this lady is absolutely stunning. I’ve been a big fan of Sophie since I started looking into Page Three girls so it’s nice to have the chance to write about her. It’s also nice to see she’s still looking just as stunning as she did the first time I saw her. What I like most about Sophie, however, has very little to do with how she looks and everything to do with the way she chooses to live her life. She has always been honest about her past as a stripper and walked away from her career in modeling back in 2011 to spend her time focusing on becoming a mental health nurse. While she returned to modeling this year, it’s always nice to see a young woman who has her priorities straight.

1 Comment

  • wow nice pics, gorgeous women, very nice body, hottie
