It looked like Sienna Miller loved splashing in the waves. She was in California and spent her day off at the beach. She looked beautiful, as always. In the close-ups, you can barely make out the outline of her cameltoe. The camera loved her as she played with the waves. She showed her delight in satisfying her inner child. Her boyfriend, Rhys Ifans, was also in town to spend time with her.

Why the hell is she swimming in panties!?
I never thought I will see sienna miller’s camel toe pictures. Day d has come :))
She’s a beautiful woman.She’s so gorgeous. I love her. I saw her profile with photos and videos at m y i n t e r r a c i a l m a t c h . c o m I also found her blog there.It’s said that she’s seeking for a young man to be the BF ? Is that ture ???
Matt- are you an idiot? it’s so the photographers can get a shot of her cameltoe and it would make the (blood sucking ) press.