written by Wanda

This Is How Jennifer Nicole Lee Stays Fit.

Ah, Jennifer Nicole Lee – always good for a few sexy shots wearing next to nothing. I’m guessing these photos, shot in South Beach, are behind the scenes shots for a new workout video but I could be wrong. They just have a sort on ‘not casual’ vibe to them that makes me think she hasn’t just decided to do her daily workout in the park for a change of pace. I’m not going to complain either way though. Jennifer looks as gorgeous as always and it’s nice to get a little glimpse of what she goes to keep her body in such incredible shape. I’d definitely say these photos have win written all over them.


  • I want to have a workout with her or shoudl I say give her a workout though with a body like that she doesn’t need to work out, god she is so fit

  • awesome body, she is so well toned and in ridiculous shape, great caps of sexy jen

  • can she get me into shape i wonder, id love it if she gave me a workout
