Search Results for “ Candice Swanepoel”

December 12, 2012
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Candice Swanepoel Is Most Definitely A Bombshell.

I’m not sure Victoria’s Secret could’ve chosen a better face for the VS Bombshell Bling fragrance campaign. These photos from the shoot just back up that theory. This woman is so beautiful it’s a little ridiculous. She is easily one of my favorite Victoria’s Secret models and let’s be honest, picking one of those isn’t easy. A lot of people like to say Candice is too skinny but I don’t see it. I think she’s got an incredible body. I sometimes like women with a little more meat on their bones but I do like skinnier girls as well. Candice is a good example of a thin girl who still looks womanly. I love this woman.

November 16, 2012
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Candice Swanepoel For Victoria’s Secret.

There are no words for this set of pictures. There are just no words. Looking ahead at my assignment list, I think I can look forward to being speechless at least three more times before I’m done work for the day. Why? Because Victoria’s Secret had this little fashion show the other night and the hotness that follows such things just doesn’t stop. Here, we have Victoria’s Secret Angel, Candice Swanepoel, walking the runway during the 2012 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show at the Lexington Avenue Armory on November 7, 2012 in New York City and she looks just flat out stunning. This is a beautiful, beautiful woman with a beautiful, beautiful body. The red ribbon shoes? Perfect. Why? Because this woman is a gift.

September 14, 2012

Candice Swanepoel And Her Camera

Thanks to Kris for pointing out these photos are not actually of Erin Heatherton as they were labeled but are actually Candice Swanepoel. I really should’ve spotted the difference as I’m a huge fan of Candice and am only just starting to get interested in Miss. Heatherton. I’m going to leave my regular post below because aside from the first bit, everything I said about Erin applies to Candice as well. Sorry for the error. It happens sometimes. I don’t label the pictures. I just write about them which means I have to trust they were labeled properly when they get to me. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. This is one of those times. Sorry if you’ve been inconvenienced in any way. Anyway, back to staring at a beautiful girl in a bikini and calling me a moron. Enjoy!

For a long time, Erin Heatherton was sort of under the radar for me in terms of smoking hot models. I’d see pictures of her here and there and always thought she was gorgeous but she never really made an impact. That’s really been changing over the last little while. These pictures only serve to further that. I love these shots. She looks hot which is great but she also looks like she’s having a great time. She looks relaxed and playful. I’d love to see the photos she took. I bet they’re great. Erin knows how to look good on camera. Maybe she’s just as talented at spotting other things that will look good on camera. In any event, these shots are great – really brightened up an otherwise dreary morning.

July 31, 2012

Candice Swanepoel Get Naked And Looks Gorgeous Surprising No One.

There are many, many things I love about Candice Swanepoel. The fact that she looks absolutely incredible wearing next to nothing (or nothing at all, in this case), is pretty high on that list. This woman is just phenomenal looking, isn’t she? Simply stunning. I love the hair in this photo as well. It adds a little something extra to an already fantastic set of photos. I also like the tone of the pictures. They’re racing but still classy somehow. I’m sure class isn’t easy to pull off when you’re standing naked in front of photographers. Sure these photos have a very ‘posed’ vibe but that’s not always a bad thing. They almost look like works of art. I can tell you without a trace of doubt I would frame these and hang them on my wall any day of the week.

July 29, 2012
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Candice Swanepoel Is Sexy In A Dramatic New Photo Shoot.

I can’t decide what it is that I like the most about these sexy new photos of Candice Swanepoel. There are lot of things to like about these photos and there are a lot of really interesting things happening in them. I’m not into the whole bondage thing myself but I’ve always thought bondage photos are interesting. While these are clearly not bondage pictures, they have that sort of feel to me. Candice looks commanding and fierce in these ones and that’s not really a side we see of her very often. I’m not really generally a fan of the heavy makeup but the look really works with the mood of these photos. Plus, of course, there is the fact that Candice is flashing a lot of skin here and I am always a fan of that. I this this woman is one of the most beautiful models working in the industry today and pictures like these only cement that opinion. I’m thrilled to see her taking risks. I think the risk here definitely paid off.

July 6, 2012
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Candice Swanepoel In Sexy New Bikini Pics.

I love these photos of one of my absolutely favorite models, the beautiful Candice Swanepoel. I don’t just love them because she’s absolutely stunning in her bikini. I love them because they offer the chance to see Candice in a more casual setting. I’m far more used to seeing Candice in professional photo shoots. These pictures show Candice having a great time on the beach in such a relaxed and casual way. In some ways, I prefer these pictures to most of the other pictures I’ve seen of her. While Candice is beautiful in her photo shoots, there’s just something so appealing about seeing this side of her. Plus, ya know, she looks phenomenal in a bikini.

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