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April 20, 2013
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Vanessa Hudgens Works Out

Now come on, paparazzi. This is just skeazy. Let Vanessa Hudgens work out in peace. Is it really necessary to snap pictures of her in some rather compromising poses? I get that she’s sexy, that she’s a public figure and that her privacy is pretty low on a photographer’s priority list but this is really just taking the whole thing a little too far. Aside from the fact that they’re pretty tasteless photos, I have to say Vanessa is looking pretty good here. While I had my problems with Vanessa a few years back, she’s really grown on me as of late. She seems to have taken responsibility for some of her more questionable decisions, learned from her mistakes and moved on. I hope she continues on that path. She’s a beautiful, talented girl. I think she could have a long, successful career if she picks the right projects.

April 13, 2013
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Sorry, LeAnn Rimes Still Bugs Me

This isn’t about the cheating on her husband with a married man thing. This isn’t about the way she flaunted that affair for anyone who would look. LeAnn Rimes bugs me because … well, to be honest, I’m not entirely sure why LeAnn Rimes bugs me. I was starting to get over it until she appeared onĀ The X-Factor and slurred her way through one of her biggest hits and then threw her 13 year old duet partner under the bus and tried to pin the blame on her. It wasn’t Carley Rose’s fault you were terrible, LeAnn. It was yours. Personal feelings aside, LeAnn looks pretty spectacular in these photos. There was a time that she looks a little too thin for my personal taste but she’s looking much healthier these days. While I might have some fairly strong opinions about what kind of person I think LeAnn is, I’ve never met her and those opinions could be entirely wrong. Perhaps it’s time I let go of all that and give her another shot. Everyone deserves a second chance, after all.

April 12, 2013
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Taylor Momsen Still Exists

Aw, I’m being too mean to Taylor Momsen. I like the girl, I really do. She has that “I don’t care” attitude I find so appealing. It’s just been a long time since I’ve seen or heard anything about her. This photo set reminded me of just how much I miss her. I see she’s still doing the raccoon-eyed Goth chick thing which I’m pretty happy about. I think the look works really well for her. She’s also still showing far too much skin for my taste but I suppose this is a music video or a photoshoot so I can forgive that. It wouldn’t be a Taylor Momsen shoot if she wasn’t half naked in the middle of a crowded street. I like these photos. It’s good to see Taylor still out there. I’m a fan.

April 12, 2013
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Even More Sexy Jessica Alba Bikini Pics From St. Barths

I have got to tell you, this latest batch of photos has been among my favorite batches so far from my career here at HQ Celebrity. Why? Well, I’ve had a set of Isabeli Fontana photos and three sets of Jessica Alba bikini pics, not to mention all of the other beautiful ladies I’ve had the chance to write about over the last few days. I can argue with that. As beautiful as these ladies are though, this batch wins for the Jessica Alba bikini pictures alone. I mean, this woman is just absolutely stunning. Her body is incredible and she knows how to look sexy without looking like she’s trying too hard. Another great set of bikini photos of this incredibly sexy woman. I hope her time in St. Barths never comes to an end.

April 12, 2013

Miley Cyrus Bares Her Belly In Miami

I know a lot of people have issues with Miley Cyrus. I was one of those people at one point in time but I’m really liking what Mily has been doing as of late. She seems to be taking more control over her life and that’s so nice to see. I like the hair but more than that, I like the attitude. At the same time, there is a part of me that is concerned for her. There have been so many rumors about possible problems in her personal life. I’d hate to see her take a bad road. She has a lot of potential. While I’m not a big fan of her music and her acting has never really impressed me either, I think with time to grow and develop, she could really become something special. In these photos, snapped at Pharrell Williams birthday party in Miami, Miley looks adorable, of course, but she also looks like she’s making a lot of smart decisions in the music industry. Perhaps she’s taking her career in a new direction. I’d really like to see that.

April 5, 2013

More Sexy Bikini Photos Of Hayden Panettiere

I wrote a post about Hayden Panettiere just a short while ago and I noticed some of the photos from this set are the same (or at least very similar) to the photos I posted earlier. All the same, there are a lot of photos here I felt were worth sharing so here they are. I love this woman. She’s pretty. She’s sexy. She’s talented. I think she could have a very bright future ahead of her if she makes smart career choices and keeps herself out of trouble. She’s always struck me as someone who is mature for her age and I think that will do her a lot of favors. I love these photos because Hayden looks so happy in them. Her engagement might seem a little rushed to some but I think she looks happy and in the end, isn’t that all that matters?

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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