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October 3, 2013
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Jessica Hart And Her Dog

Ah Jessica Hart. Such a very lovely girl with such a very lovely set of legs. I don’t think I could love these photos more. Sure she’s just walking her dog in New York and there’s nothing especially interesting about that on its own but when you add in the killer outfit that shows off her body so beautifully, you have something very special indeed. This lady is just flat out stunning. I love everything about her, especially when she’s showing this much leg. Plus, ya know, she’s got the little puppy dog that’s so freaking cute I could squeal. All in all, I’m desperately in love with these shots. Well done, Jessica.

September 26, 2013
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Emily Ratajkowski Is A Knockout And Other Completely Non-Shocking Revelations

So I’ve been without the internet at home for the past few weeks and it’s starting to get to me. I have these brief periods of time where I get to catch up on the news in the world, watch new music videos or whatever (right … music videos) and try to keep up with celebrity gossip and while I do that, I also have to keep coming here to make sure you all get new stuff to look at every day. Emily Ratajkowski makes the effort totally worth it. I love absolutely everything about this woman. Her face is flawless, in my opinion and that body? Forget about it. Love her to pieces. It’s always a great pleasure to write about this stunning beauty.

September 24, 2013
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Jessica Biel Hits The Farmer’s Market

People really seem to like giving Jessica Biel a hard time. They say she’s boring or snobby or any number of other things. I think that’s ridiculous. I love everything about Jessica. She can come across as a little arrogant at times but I don’t think that’s really an accurate representation of who she is. We all say stupid things from time to time. Maybe we could cut Jessica a break. In these photos, snapped at the Farmer’s Market in Studio City, Jessica is looking fantastic. I love the sunglasses. They’re fun and unique – just like Jessica. Great photos overall. I couldn’t be more thrilled to have the chance to write about one of my all time favorite actresses.

September 20, 2013

Kendall Jenner … Meh

I’m kind of over the Jenners. It was only a matter of time. I was never impressed with the Kardashian Klan and the Jenners are really just mini-Kardashians. Kendall looks pretty cute in these photos and I love the scooter thinger she’s sitting on in some of the photos but for the most part, I feel like these photos are pretty underwhelming. Maybe I’ll feel different by the time the next set of photos pops up on my screen but for now, I stand by my meh. I’m sure she’s a nice enough girl and she looks cute but these photos just aren’t my cup of tea.

September 18, 2013
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Jennifer Nicole Lee And Her Ass Crack

Oh man, I wish I would’ve opened this set of photos first. I mean, when I was going through the posts in draft for me when I logged in for the first time in what feels like forever, I decided a rather fetching set of Emily Ratajkowski photos was the perfect set to return from my unintentional vacation on. I’m looking at these photos of Jennifer Nicole Lee, shot at a pool in Dallas, and I’m sort of second guessing my decision. In all honestly, I prefer Emily over Jennifer Nicole but only by a small margin and only because Emily is a little more to my personal taste but these photos of Nicole? Please! She’s looking so good here I can barely believe it. This lady is hot, hot, hot and these photos are picture perfect proof. Great shots of a gorgeous woman.

September 17, 2013

Gemma Atkinson Reminds Me Of Why I Love This Job

Life, ya know? It can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. Nothing works out the way it’s supposed to and at the same time, the things that were working out decide to fall apart simultaneously. It’s just one of those things. When those times hit, we serve ourselves well by reminding ourselves that everyone has their ‘fml’ times. 2013 has, so far, at least, been the year of FML for me. Then I get word that this job still exists and I still get to write about photos like these ones – photos of beautiful women (Gemma Atkinson in this case) sunbathing in bikinis – which makes the whole life thing seem a little less unfair. I mean, as far as employment goes, I have it pretty good. This is my job. It might not be paying the bills at the moment but waiting for a paycheck becomes a bit easier when your job involves writing about the best boobs and butts in the world all day.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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