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June 3, 2013

Live Rihanna Concert Pics From Istanbul

Oh, how I would love to see Rihanna live. I think it would be a heck of a show. Sadly, she never plays anywhere near me and even if she did, the tickets would probably be far too expensive for me to even consider. Those two factors in mind, live concert pics like these ones from her performance at the BJK Inönü Stadium in Istanbul are all I really have aside from YouTube clips. While it might not be as good as seeing the real thing live in person, it isn’t half bad. Rihanna looks incredible in these photos. Then again, Rihanna looks incredible most of the time. I think her show would really be something to see. She seems to put everything into her concerts and I appreciate that, even if I’ll likely never get to witness it for myself.

May 20, 2013
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Rihanna Looks Kind Of Sleepy

I’ve made no secret of my deep, unending love for Rihanna but I have to admit, she’s looking a little tired in these photos, snapped outside her hotel in NYC. Perhaps her busy schedule is starting to take its toll on her. Take care of yourself, RiRi! Your health is more important than your career. Sleepiness aside, Rihanna looks pretty darn good in these photos. I’m still loving the hair. I know she likes to mess around with her hair a lot but I hope she keeps this look for a while. I think it really works for her. Of course, I also have to mention the outfit. I love the pants but I can’t help thinking about how uncomfortable they must be. I had a similar pair once and wore them once before deciding I would never wear them again. Hope the next photos we see of this beautiful young lady show her looking well rested and refreshed.

May 18, 2013
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Rihanna Is Always Trying Something New

Here’s what I love about Rihanna – she’s never afraid to try something different. Sometimes it works for her and other times it doesn’t. The hair she’s rocking in NYC in these photos? I think it works for her. I’m sure there are going to be people lining up to disagree with me but I’m just stating my opinion. I think she’s the kind of woman that sees her style as something that’s constantly evolving and she isn’t afraid to run with that. I’m not sure who she’s sticking her tongue out at in this photo but I dunno, I kind of like it. She has attitude and I’m always a bit fan of a lady with attitude.

May 18, 2013
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Rihanna Get Flirty

As many of you may know, I’m a big Rihanna fan. I love a lot of her music and I think she’s absolutely beautiful. For that reason, it’s great to see photos like these one, snapped in a nightclub in New York. It’s always nice to see Rihanna relaxing and having fun. She’s been through a lot and while some would argue the second time, it was no one’s fault but her own, I still would like to see her find happiness. She’s young still. She has a lot of growing and learning to do. That’s going to mean making mistakes and hopefully she’ll learn from them and become a stronger person. I have high hopes for where the future will take her. I’m just hoping some of the self destructive behaviors she’s exhibited on occasion don’t become a constant presence.

May 15, 2013

Rihanna Showing Off Her Chest

Maybe I’m the only person in the world that doesn’t know this, but I have no idea if that tattoo on Rihanna’s chest is real or fake. I don’t care either way. I think it looks great although I hardly think anyone needed any more reason to look at Rihanna’s chest. I know there are some out there who disagree but I think Rihanna is gorgeous – chest tattoo or no chest tattoo. It’s nice to see her looking so good post Chris Brown breakup as she’s shown here leaving her hotel in NYC. While I believe I’ve already made my opinions on the Rihanna/Chris Brown relationship pretty clear, I’m not going to deny being a little happy to see they’ve gone they’re separate ways. I’m also not going to deny being a little convinced these two kids are going to eventually wind up back together.

March 2, 2013
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Rihanna Relaxes In The Sun In Hawaii

I’m not sure how I feel about this first photo of Rihanna in Hawaii. She looks great in her bikini as always but she’s kind of looking a little sad. Maybe she’s just super relaxed though. I know I would be. We got bombarded with more snow than I’ve been in years yesterday and the day before. It’s up to my freaking knees. I look at these photos and I think, man – how nice would it be to be there instead of here? Of course, it’d be even better if Rihanna was there with me. That girl seems like she’d be a lot of fun to spend time with, even if it doesn’t necessarily show in these photos.

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