Search Results for “rih”

November 20, 2012

Gorgeous New Rihanna Photo Shoot.

At this point, I feel it’s kind of pointless to state my love for Rihanna because, by now, most of our regular readers know all about it. I think this girl is spectacular. She always look amazing (even when I don’t love her fashion choices) and I like a lot of her music despite not being a big fan of her genre. These photos are great, as usual. I love the outfits. I love the hairstyles. I also love the relaxed, easy going vibe she always has when she’s in front of the camera. I love this lady’s smile. There’s something so genuine about it. Sometimes a smile can come across as forced but Rihanna’s never seems to. I can’t say enough good things about this girl or these pictures.

November 17, 2012

Rihanna Looks Smoking Hot As Usual, This Time In A Cowboy Hat.

I’m sorry but I freaking love a gorgeous woman in a cowboy hat. I don’t really know what it is about that look that drives me so wild but there is definitely something about it. For that reason alone, these pictures of Rihanna are near unbearable for me. Of course, the cowboy hat isn’t all these photos have going for them. There’s also Rihanna in a very revealing bikini and bold red lipstick. While I always love the hair choices Rihanna makes, the long black locks have always been my favorite. All of these things combine to make this one of my favorite sets of photos of all time.

October 20, 2012

Rihanna Hits The Recording Studio.

I’m a big Rihanna fan. I think she’s gorgeous, has a great body and is a talented musician. With that said, she’s looking a bit of a mess in some of these photos. I assume some of the pictures were just taken at bad moments as tends to happen from time to time but I’m honestly not really used to it from Rihanna. I’m used to seeing her constantly looking hot in her candid photos. It’s worth mentioning I believe these photos were snapped as she was leaving the recording studio in Los Angeles so there’s a pretty good chance she was feeling a bit tired. I don’t care though. She looks fantastic in most of the photos. I like the dress. It’s casual but sexy and I’m still loving the pixie cut. While these aren’t my favorite photos of Rihanna, I still enjoy them so that has to count for something.

October 15, 2012

Rihanna In A Sheer Blouse And Cut Offs In Hollywood

I know some aren’t a fan of the Rihanna pixie cut but I love it. I do a lot of work focusing on celebrity hairstyles for another website and just finished an article about Rihanna hairstyles a few days ago. I listed this one as one of my favorites because it’s one of the few Rihanna hairstyles the average woman could wear. It’s nice to see Rihanna shying away from some of the more daring styles she’s rocked in the past. While I like those looks too, this one is more understated and I think it highlights her features beautifully. Of course, this is Rihanna we’re talking about. If she’s not making a statement with her hair, you wanna believe she’s making one with her outfit. Here in Hollywood though, even Rihanna’s outfit is a little more understated than what we’re used to seeing Rihanna in. The sheer blouse is risque but it doesn’t matter. I think she looks fantastic.

October 14, 2012

Rihanna Shows Off Her Curves In Sexy, Body Hugging Dress.

Not let me be the first to say that I don’t always agree with the choices Rihanna makes in her personal life but I respect her decision to make those choices. It really is her life. She shouldn’t live in a way that isn’t honest to herself, who she wants to be and what she wants out of life just because it’s what the rest of us think she should do. Her “I don’t care what anyone thinks” attitude is one of the most appealing things about her, in my opinion anyway. I worry about her, sure, but I don’t know her, I don’t know what she wants and I don’t know what happens behind closed doors. With all that out of the way, let’s talk about these photos of Rihanna in LA. I think she looks absolutely fantastic. I love the pixie cut on her and think it really suits her. While I have been a fan of some of her more outrageous hairstyle choices, I really like what she’s got going on here as well. And the dress? Fantastic. I love these pictures. I wish nothing but the best for Rihanna.

September 20, 2012

Rihanna Steps Out In An … Interesting Dress.

Here’s what I love about Rihanna. She’s always surprising me. Just when I think she can’t surprise me any more, she does. This look caught me off guard. From the front and back, this outfit looks pretty tame, at least by normal Rihanna standards and then we see the photos of the dress from the side and there it is – a little peak of skin that makes the whole thing sexy somehow. The little peek-a-boo accent on the dress isn’t in anywhere scandalous but that little glimpse of skin is still impossibly sexy. I really don’t even know how that’s possible but there it is. I love this woman. She is her own. She doesn’t let rules dictate who she is whether we’re talking about her music or her fashion. I respect this lady endlessly. Beautiful.

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