Search Results for “video”

February 13, 2012

Miley Cyrus Makes A Starbucks Run

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The Miley Cyrus in these photos is the Miley Cyrus I love. When she’s all glammed up for videos or live performances, I feel like she’s being so phony – more so than most of the other celebs out there. She just doesn’t strike me as the glamorous type. She seems like a girl who likes to be comfortable and casual. I think that’s why I like these pictures of her leaving Starbucks in Hollywood so much. This is just Miley being Miley. She doesn’t look perfect but she does look like someone I’d like to get a coffee with. She looks like she’s being herself and that’s appealing to me.

February 6, 2012

Geri Halliwell Brings Back The Jack

I’m a huge fan of Geri Halliwell and all things Spice Girl. I have been since I was but a little things, probably about thirteen or fourteen years old. What to I think of when I think of the Girls in their heyday? The “Wannabe” video, the Pepsi commercial, “Spiceworld” but more than any of that, I think of Geri and her Union Jack dress. For that reason, I’m absolutely thrilled Geri has launched the Union Jack Clothing line. These pictures from the line’s launch in London are absolutely fabulous. In my always humble opinion, Geri looks better now than she did when she wore the original dress. I also like the updated version of the dress a lot more. These pictures make me feel nostalgic for a time when things were better and that makes me feel good. Love this woman and love these pictures.

December 31, 2011

Stephanie Seymour Continues Her Beach Vacation

It’s funny sometimes how things work on this website. I don’t see a name pop up for months at a time and then suddenly I get set after set of pictures of the same person. I’m not complaining, mind you – especially not when the person in question is gorgeous model, Stephanie Seymour. As I said in a previous post, I’ve been a big Stephanie Seymour fan for quite some time now, at least since she appeared in Guns ‘N’ Roses’ “November Rain” video. Here enjoying her holiday in Saint Barthelemy, Stephanie looked beautiful in a classy white one piece bathing suit that perfectly compliments her figure. I love these pictures. She looks like she’s having a great time.

November 13, 2011

Mariah Carey For Jenny Craig

Mariah Carey is the new Jenny Craig Brand Ambassador. It makes sense. Much like brand ambassadors of the past, Mariah has very publicly struggled with her weight for years. She started off smoking hot and skinny. She was then a little meaty. Then she was more than a little meaty. Then she was skinny again. To be honest, I’ve always though Mariah was hot, regardless of her weight. She can pull off the bigger girl thing. She makes curves look sexy. At the same time, remember how freaking hot she was in the “Honey” video? In that gold bikini? Good heavens. I’m getting all warm just thinking about it. Anyway, it’s good to see Mariah is taking control of her weight. I just hope she has more success with the battle of the bulge than past Jenny Craig spokeswomen.

November 11, 2011
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Lana Del Rey Is A Babe

Elizabeth Grant began performing under the stage name Lana Del Rey because her managers and assorted business people told her the name fit her classic, Old Hollywood style. Normally I would’ve objected to something like that but with Lana, I really think it was a good call. I really like Lana. It’s great to hear her song “Video Games” popping up in various shows like ‘The Ringer’ and ‘Gossip Girl’, increasing her fan base each time. I hope Lana is starting to get the recognition she deserves. She’s a talented girl. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that she’s also gorgeous. I look forward to hearing and seeing more of her.

October 25, 2011

Miranda Kerr Stops By Fox & Friends

So I watched this porn flick about cheerleaders once and there was a girl in it with the craziest eyes. Her eyes actually distracted me from the action on the screen a little bit. I mention this because Miranda Kerr has the same kind of eyes and the same build as the girl in the video. I’m not saying Miranda was the girl in the movie or anything but she just kind of reminds me of her and I wanted to share that with you all. Anyway, here we see Miranda on “FOX & Friends” in New York talking about bras or something. This woman is smoking hot. She is definitely one of my favorite models – classy and sexy even in a relatively demure dress. Absolutely stunning.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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