Search Results for “Babe”

May 19, 2013

Kelly Rowland Is An Underrated Beauty

I know Beyonce is the breakout star of Destiny’s Child but I’ve always felt that Kelly Rowland doesn’t get anywhere near the credit she deserves. She’s a beautiful and talented woman who really deserves a much bigger spotlight shining on her. I have loved the vast majority of her work as a solo artist and looking at these pictures, I think she holds her own right next to Beyonce in terms of her physical beauty. She’s got an incredible body and those eyes of hers? Please. I could stare at this lady for hours on end and never get tired of her. I haven’t always agreed with her fashion choices but even in questionable outfits, she’s looked incredible. Let’s give this babe the credit she so clearly deserves. Beautiful, beautiful woman.

April 20, 2013
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Rachel Bilson In A Bikini With A Hot Friend In A Bikini And A Monkey

As if two sets of Rachel Bilson bikini pics in one day wasn’t enough of a treat, this set ups the level of awesome just a little bit by adding in a second gorgeous babe in a bikini and a freaking monkey! The story of the monkey, named Mar-Mar, is a pretty sad one though so naturally, I have to share it. Apparently, Mar-Mar’s mother was struck by a car and killed, leaving Mar-Mar without anyone to care for her. Luckily, a man who works with monkeys stepped in, bottle fed her and raised her to adulthood. Now Mar-Mar hangs out around Zaccios (a bar in Holetown, Barbados), sometimes posing for pictures with tourists like Rachel and her friend. I don’t think it would be possible for me to love these photos any more than I do now. I felt that way about the last set I posted but there’s a monkey in this set! A monkey with a backstory. Brilliant.

April 12, 2013
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Claudia Romani Hula Hoops In A Bikini

Ah, Claudia Romani – so sexy, so fun, so flawless in a bikini. I absolutely love this babe. I love everything about her. She’s got a killer body, a pretty face and a killer smile. She also has that confident but not conceited vibe about her that I find so appealing. I think these may be my favorite Claudia Romani bikini pics to date which is really saying something considering some of the competition they’re up against but the hula hoop really wins me over. It just looks like she’s having so much fun. She isn’t taking herself too seriously and is instead having a good time and I really find that appealing. She’s a beautiful woman and this is a great set of photos.

April 5, 2013
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Jenny McCarthy Parties It Up By The Pool

I know there are a whole lot of people out there who don’t like Jenny McCarthy. I suppose I can see why but it’s not a feeling I share. I love this babe. I think she’s absolutely fantastic. Sure she’s loud and brash but I think that’s what I like most about her. You don’t see a lot of stunningly beautiful women with personalities like Jenny’s. She’s weird but that’s what makes her unique. That’s what makes her Jenny McCarthy. In these photos from the Encore Beach Club at Wynn Las Vegas, Jenny is, well, being Jenny. She looks like she’s the life of the party just like she usually is. I don’t think I’d want to spend a lot of time with her because I’m pretty sure it would be exhausting but I’ll stare at her pictures any time. Love this woman … just in case I wasn’t clear about that.

February 12, 2013
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Geri Halliwell Has Killer Legs.

I love Geri Halliwell. I was a big Spice Girls fan when I was a teenager and while Ginger Spice wasn’t my favorite at the time, she has certainly become my favorite as the years have passed. Geri looks better today than she did as a Spice Girl and those legs? Please. Those are some amazing gams. Arriving at Viva Forever Cocktail Launch in London, we kind of almost get a Geri Halliwell upskirt shot but I don’t think it really counts as no panties are seen. Geri seems to know how to cross and uncross her legs in the backseat of a car without flashing the good stuff. While that might not sound like high praise, one thing I’ve learned working here for as long as I have is that this is a feat a lot of stars seem to have trouble with. Good on Geri. I love this babe. Absolutely beautiful.

January 17, 2013
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Rihanna Always Looks Gorgeous.

Oh Rihanna – always such a total babe. I don’t think words can express how much I adore this girl. She’s just simply stunning – gorgeous in every way. These photos are just more proof of that. Sometimes when you see photos like these ones, there are a few that are a little less than flattering. The celebrity makes a weird face or is caught mid blink. Not with Rihanna – there isn’t a bad photo here. I love the outfit she’s wearing. I love her trademark bold red lipstick. I love her hair. This woman is definitely one of my favorites and I know photos of her are always going to be fantastic. As always, it’s a pleasure to write about her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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