Search Results for “Se”

January 24, 2011
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Selena Gomez In Sweats At The Airport

I like Selena Gomez. She’s like Miley Cyrus without all the drama. Sure that can be a little boring, but I’ll take boring over crazy any day. Will she stay wholesome and sweet? Who knows. I’m betting as time passes we’ll start hearing more stories, but for now, she seems about as innocent as a girl can be in the business she’s in. Here at the airport, Selena proves that you don’t need to wear tiny outfits to be sexy. The girl even looks hot in sweats. I’m a little disheartened that she’s dating Justin Bieber. I mean, surely she can do better, but hey – the heart wants what it wants. It could be worse. She could be dating John Mayer or something.

January 22, 2011

Cat Deeley Has Sexy Body

I really like Cat Deeley. I’ve never really been a fan of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ but I love her as host so I keep tuning in. She’s always entertaining to watch and it doesn’t hurt in the least that she’s gorgeous. The former model and current face (and hair) of Pantene hair care products in the UK knows how to wear a bikini. That much is certain. She has curves in all the right places; not a rail thing starlet but a sexy woman who clearly takes care of her body. She seems comfortable with herself, even if she doesn’t necessarily seem comfortable with cameras snapping her picture poolside. I love that. She doesn’t shy away from the lime light but she doesn’t beg for it either. She’s a class act.

January 14, 2011
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Reese Witherspoon Takes A Little Jog

I dunno, I don’t like Reese Witherspoon. She has that sweet, wholesome image, but I’m just not buying into it. There’s something about her that screams ice queen and it wasn’t her little showmance with Jake Gyllenhaal (whom I love, by the way). Something about her just gives me the chills – and not the good kind of chills. I love her as an actress. She takes on some great roles – abso-freaking-lutely loved her in Rendition, for example – but as a person? I don’t know. She seems like the kind of girl that talks catty about her girlfriends behind their backs and cuts men off from sex if they misbehave (although I’m sure that wasn’t a problem with Jakey-G). I think it shows real, honest to goodness talent when an actress can make you love her on the big screen even if you think she’s a ‘see you next Tuesday’ in real life. Of course, I could be completely wrong. It happens. A lot. She could be the world’s biggest sweetheart. I’m just saying if I were going to place a bet, I know where I’d lay my wager.

January 8, 2011

Sarah Shahi Stays Fit And Sexy

Sarah Shahi may not be a household name yet, but rest assured, that will change. This lovely lady is going places. Since her acting career began, she has amassed an impressive resume although it’s comprised mostly of guest appearances and one of characters on popular television shows. She is likely best known for her work on ‘The L-Word’ but the world is taking note. Here, working out in a park in Beverly Hills, Sarah shows she definitely has a body worth paying attention to and in this business, that’s half the battle. With Sarah’s new show ‘Fairly Legal’ about to start airing on the the USA network this month, I think Sarah might finally start to get the attention she deserves.

January 8, 2011

Kate Gosselin Looks Good In A Bikini I Suppose

Seriously? Are we still talking about Kate Gosselin? There are few ‘celebrities’ I hate more than this baby making machine. I loathe her and everything she stands for. About the only thing I hate more than Kate is her former partner in crime whose name I refuse to mention. I just wish they would both disappear into oblivion, allowing the rest of the world to forget they ever existed. The Gosselins represent for me everything wrong with the world today. They’re greedy, money hungry scum bags willing to sell out their own kids to turn a buck. She popped out eight kids and that makes her famous? That makes her news worthy? The only thing that makes her to me is yet another bored suburban housewife who thinks having more kids to add to the over population and over consumption that is going to destroy the world will make her feel more happy and more fulfilled. Your kids are going to look back on their time on reality TV and hate you. They’ll hate you and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. Now that the kids aren’t enough to keep your name in your headlines you’ll take your clothes off to get the flashbulbs popping. The only thing that makes this whole disaster worse is that its working. Here I am writing about you, Kate Gosselin and that makes me feel so dirty I need to go have a shower. No cameras allowed.

January 6, 2011
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Chloe Sevigny Rocks A Black Bikini

I love all the attention Chloe Sevigny has been getting over recent interviews she’s done discussing her romantic life and the Brown Bunny (non-simulated) BJ scene because it means the press is paying more attention to her which means more bikini pictures. I will never argue with bikini pictures of one of my favorite actresses especially when the actress is as hot as Chloe. What I like about Chloe is that she has never conformed to Hollywood standards of beauty and fashion. She’s almost as well known for her often unusual fashion choices as she is for her acting chops. I respect that and I respect her. I love this girl and can’t wait to see what she does after Big Love, her current gig, shuts down for good.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }