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February 5, 2014
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Cristina Chiabotto Is A Bikini Beauty

I really feel like I’m supposed to know who Cristina Chiabotto is. I mean, it’s actually really bothering me. I’m sure I’ve written about her before and I’m sure I was crazy about the last photos set I had of her yet I can’t quite remember what it looked like or how long ago it was posted. No matter, really. In the end, all that matters is these photos of Cristina in Formentera and these photos are smoking hot. Her body is incredible and that friend of hers isn’t half bad either. I may not remember Cristina as much as I feel like I should but after these photos, I doubt I’ll let her slip through the cracks in my memory again.

February 4, 2014

Cami Li Is Just About My Ideal Woman But …

Maybe it’s the dark eyebrows, the dark hair or the tattooes but to me, Cami Li looks a little too much like Amy Winehouse. I was an enormous Amy Winehouse fan and felt like she was one of the most talented vocalists of her generation. When she died, I was legitimately sad about it and seeing Cami …. yeah, she just feels like a reminder of what could have been with Amy. With all that said though, Cami is still a beautiful girl and these shots of her in Miami are fantastic. I’m a sucker for a chick with tattoos and she has some good ones. So I love these photos, yes, but they kinda make me a little sad at the same time. It’s complicated.

February 3, 2014
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Kim Kardashian Looks Painted Or Something

I’m really starting to get over Kim Kardashian. There was a time when I could admit that I don’t like her as a celebrity but still write abot how attractive I find her but I have to be honest, I’m not finding her as attractive as I once did and as a result, these photos taken in Paris really don’t do anything for me. I’m tired of seeing her all the time. I like to call this Megan Fox syndrome. A super hot girl gets over exposed to the point that she becomes boring and annoying. This is where Kim is for me now. I’m starting to come around with Fox though so maybe I’m not over Kim for good. The problem? She has to go away first and I have a feeling Kim is going to scratch and claw to keep her 15 minutes going on and on.

February 3, 2014

Elena Santarelli Lingerie Pics

So I’m a pretty big Elena Santarelli fan most of the time and for that reason, I sometimes Google her name to see if there’s any news on her. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across a forum post featuring pictures of her with various nasty comments about her weight. Excuse me? Her weight? Who in their right mind looks at this stunning creature and sees fat? Curvy is even a stretch in my opinion. Big women can absolutely be beautiful – just as beautiful as thinner women, in my eyes – but that doesn’t change the fact that Elena is clearly not a big woman. People … people just blow my mind sometimes.

February 2, 2014

Miley Cyrus Nude Photos Leak?

So whilst browsing the internet a few moments ago, I spotted a story about leaked nude Miley Cyrus photos that apparently hit the net yesterday morning. I haven’t seen them and there’s a reason for that. I don’t care. I mean, I really, honestly couldn’t care less. I think Miley is beautiful, as you can see in these photos from the official album release party for Bangerz (still the dumbest album name of all time – or close to it – if you ask me) at The General in NYC, and I like her new style but haven’t we pretty much seen her completely nude already? What’s left to see? Nipple? Vag? Eh, not interested.  Related question though, is it time to be concerned that Miley could be heading down Spears Road yet or should I wait a little longer?

February 2, 2014
1 Comment

Melita Toniolo And Some Sunflowers

Yeah, I dunno. These photos of Melita Toniolo are hot and everything and feature one of my favorite things – a hot chick in denim shorts – but for some reason, I’m not really feeling these shots as much as I imagined I would. The first photo is supposed to be cute and playful, I assume, but it misses the mark for me. It looks a bit to me like she’s trying too hard to look like she’s having a good time. Still, minor complains aside, this is a pretty sexy photo shoot that has that casual, fun vibe I find so appealing. Kind of hit or miss for me, I suppose but mostly hit for what it’s worth.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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