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October 13, 2013
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Liv Tyler Is One Of My All Time Favorites

Oh Liv Tyler. I have been so in love with this woman for so long it’s a little ridiculous. It might even be a lot ridiculous. This lady is the kind of woman that really does it for me. She’s got beautiful facial features and a lovely body without really seeming like she’s full of herself. Liv has always been the kind of actress that does things her own way and I really find that appealing. She’s not out there trying to get her name in the headlines. She seems more than happy to let the work speak for itself and in my humble opinion, that’s the way it should be.

October 13, 2013
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Kate Hudson Was Totally Wasted On Glee

When I heard Kate Hudson was going to be appearing on Glee, I was ecstatic. I love this woman. I think she’s talented, beautiful and down to earth. Then I saw her guest spot on the show and was woefully disappointed. Her part was okay, I guess. I was just expecting far, far more. Remember Gwyneth Paltrow’s guest spot on the show? That spot singlehandedly made me like Gwyneth again. It showed off her range and versatility. It showed off her talent as a vocalist. It showed she had a sense of humor about herself. Kate’s role did none of that and it really made me sad. Ah well, she looks hot in these photos. I guess that counts for something.

October 12, 2013

Anna Sophia Robb Is Adorable

Confession – I really liked absolutely nothing about The Carrie Diaries but was still happy to hear it was renewed for a second season. Why? Because I really like Anna Sophia Robb and I want to see her do well. This girl is adorable and I think she could have a bright future ahead of her on television and in movies. That bright career would really get off to a good start with a long running television series. Unfortunately, I’m not convinced The Carrie Diaries will make it much further than season two but it’s on The CW so there’s hope.

October 9, 2013

Cassie Ventura Is My Kind Of Woman

There is nothing I love more than a woman who is willing to take chances and isn’t afraid to stand out and to me, Cassie Ventura is exactly that kind of woman. I love the hair, I love the tattoos … I love everything about these shots, snapped as Cassie is enjoying a day at the beach in Miami. Of course, the fact that Cassie is smoking hot doesn’t hurt in the least. To me though, it really is the uniqueness of Cassie’s look that really wins me over. She doesn’t look like every other woman on the beach and she still looks so confident and comfortable with who she is. Love that and love her.

October 8, 2013
Comments Off on Helen Flanagan Looks Kind Of Okay, I Guess

Helen Flanagan Looks Kind Of Okay, I Guess

I have a few problems with Helen Flanagan. Sometimes I think she looks incredible. Other times, I think she just looks desperate for attention. These photos of Helen leaving her hotel in Liverpool definitely fall into the “other times” category. The loud printed belly top is okay and I like it paired with a nice pair of jeans but I’m not loving the cut out pockets of the jeans. That skin just doesn’t need to be exposed. I might be the only person that feels that way but I feel that way all the same. Does she look good? Sure … just not exactly my cup of tea.

October 8, 2013
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Cara Santana Leaving A Gym In Studio City

Cara Santana is the kind of woman I would be quite content with looking at all day. These photos really illustrate why. Even with minimal makeup and little fussing with her hair, she looks incredible. That’s not even taking her incredible body into account. In these photos, we see Cara leaving a gym in Studio City looking absolutely stunning. It always blows my mind when a woman can look this good leaving the gym. I certainly wouldn’t look this good after a workout. I love these shots. The outfit looks comfortable but still sexy – perfect for turning a few heads while working on keeping that fantastic body looking fantastic.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }