Search Results for “Se”

May 12, 2011

Emma Roberts Is Adorable

I love Emma Roberts. She such a little cutie. I see her and I just want to pinch her cheeks or give her a hug. With that said, something kind of bothers me about these pictures from the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 premiere. It kind of looks to me like she might be losing a little weight. She looks skinnier than she did the last time I saw pictures of her. Black is slimming. That has to be it. I hate that there is so much pressure on young actresses to be thin. At the same time, she isn’t scary thing. She still looks healthy. I just hope she doesn’t head down the wrong path. I understand the whole naturally thin thing. I am at least ten pounds underweight myself. I hope that’s what it is and not something worse. Maybe I worry too much.

May 12, 2011

Paula Abdul Announced As Fourth X-Factor Judge

It’s finally set it stone! The contracts have been signed and the auditions have begun. Paula Abdul will join Simon Cowell, L.A. Reid and Cheryl Cole on the judge’s panel for the US version of Cowell’s ‘X-Factor’. I know what you’re thinking. Really? Another reality singing competition. We have ‘American Idol’. We have ‘The Voice’. We have (or maybe had, I’m not sure) ‘Nashville Star’. Do we really need another one? Probably not, but we have one and I’ll be watching. I love Simon and I love Paula. Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez are doing a great job on Idol, but Simon and Paula have such great chemistry. Here at the ‘X-Factor’ auditions, Paula looks lovely. I’ve always been a big fan and I’m excited to see her on television again.

May 12, 2011
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Vanessa Hudgens Wears A Table Cloth?

I kid! It isn’t a table cloth. It just sort of resembles one. In all honesty, I love the dress. It looks great on Vanessa – even if it does kind of look like she pulled it off her Grandmother’s kitchen table. I love candid shots of Vanessa because she’s kind of weird to me. I generally don’t like what she does when she’s all dressed up for one event or another. In my oh so humble opinion, Vanessa looks far sexier here leaving Jamba Juice in Studio City than she does at most red carpet events. Am I wrong? Probably, but that’s the thing about opinions. Everybody has one.

May 12, 2011
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Shenae Grimes Has A Bite To Eat

Since Shenae Grimes first took her place in the public eye as part of the cast of ‘90210’ a lot has been made of her very slender frame. Although her co-star, Annalynn McCord took some of that attention as her own body slowly disappeared, Shenae has still been the target of a lot of speculation. Is she anorexic? Does she eat at all? Here at the Toast Bakery in L.A, Shenae answers at least one of those questions. In all honesty, lately Shenae has been looking healthier than ever. She has a bit of meat on her bones. It’s definitely nice to see someone go from scary thin to a more athletic thin. I like Shenae and it’s nice to see that, yes, she actually does eat.

May 12, 2011

Rachel Bilson And Her Killer Legs

I like Misha Barton, but my favorite alum from ‘The O.C.’ is definitely Rachel Bilson. If you haven’t seen her in Zack Braff’s ‘The Last Kiss’ you should do so. Immediately. The girl is a special kind of sexy. Here at the Antibes, Chanel, Fashion Show, Rachel proves you don’t have to be dressed in something low cut or skin tight to be sexy. She has a sort of classic, exotic beauty that is definitely appealing even when the only real skin she’s showing is her legs. And come on – those are some gorgeous legs. Rachel always plays to her strengths and this relatively demure ensemble is no exception. Love her.

May 11, 2011
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Julianne Hough In Pink Ruffled Bikini

I really, really miss Julianna Hough on ‘Dancing with the Stars’. She’s such a talented lady, but it is nice to see her branching out into other areas. Have you see ‘Burlesque’? Hough did a fantastic job as Georgia. If you haven’t seen it and want to watch a light hearted, fun movie with lots of women in skimpy costumes, I would recommend checking it out. It’s no masterpiece, but I liked it. And Christina Aguilera hasn’t looked as sexy as she did in that movie in quite some time. Here on Miami Beach, Julianna shows us what I like most about her (no, not her body although that is fantastic). I love Julianne because she’s not afraid to be a girl. She embraces the feminine. Her pink ruffled bikini couldn’t possibly be more girlie and it works for her. Love it and I love her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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