Search Results for “Se”

December 17, 2011

Sexy Elena Santarelli On Puntata Del Programma

Ya know, I wasn’t really sure how I felt about Elena Santarelli the last time I posted about her but these pictures from “Puntata del Programma” have helped me make up my mind. I love the girl. She’s sexy but she also knows how to have a little fun in front of the cameras with is always refreshing to see. I like the outfit although I really wasn’t sure about it at first. The asymmetrical sleeve thing was never a fashion trend I enjoyed but I enjoy the way it’s done here. I guess when you’re built like Elena though, you can pull off just about any look. Yes, I like these pictures and I like this woman. In my always humble opinion, there is nothing sexier than a woman that can have a little fun with her image.

*Update: Big thanks to Donna for pointing out I got the name of the show wrong in this post. The correct name is “Kalispera”.

December 16, 2011

Phoebe Price Poses In Bed

I’m a sucker for a hot red head and I suppose Phoebe Price fits the bill but I honestly have no idea what the woman is famous for. I’ve tried to figure this out in the past as she regularly shows up at big Hollywood events clad in next to nothing, I’ve seen her name in the gossip rags and a certain celebrity news blog which shall remain nameless regularly blog about her, but I have no idea what she’s done to achieve her celebrity status. Did she sleep with the right person (or people)? Is she the child of someone important? I have no idea but I do know I don’t like celebrities who are famous just for being famous and by all indications, Phoebe falls into that category. I guess she looks pretty hot in these pictures though so I guess that’s something. Related (but not entirely related): Whatever happened to Bai Ling?

December 15, 2011
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Recent Performance Pics Of Sexy Rihanna

When I think about the sexiest women in music today, Rihanna is pretty darn close to the top of the list in my books. It isn’t just her body and her face though. It’s her confidence. This is a woman who is sure of herself and has taken control of the image she presents in the media. She wears some pretty outrageous things from time to time but I honestly don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I know she flashes a lot of skin but, not to sound like a broken record, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that either. She’s a grown woman and she has a great body. If she wants to flaunt it, that’s her business. Aside from that, she has the honest talent to back up the sexy image – something many other women in the industry can’t claim. Here in Torino, Rihanna takes the stage with a blond bob and little else and she works the stage like a pro. Love this girl.

December 14, 2011

Aisleyne Horgan Wallace In Sexy Bikini Photoshoot

You have to hand it to “Big Brother UK” alum Aisleyne Horgan Wallace. She definitely knows how to keep people talking about her. While some of her contemporaries fade into the background as soon as the show is over, Aisleyne flaunts her sexy body every chance she gets to stay relevant and keep her name out there. This bikini photoshoot will definitely help. I don’t really care for Aisleyne as a celebrity but only because I’m never a big fan of people who’s main claim to fame is reality television. Although there are a few exceptions, Aisleyne isn’t one of them. With that said, I like the way this girl looks in a bikini. She has a little meat on her bones. I’m tired of seeing stick thin models and actresses hitting the beach because that’s just not how most real women look. Granted, Horgan Wallace is still more attractive in her swimsuit than most women would be but at least she looks a little more realistic. I definitely appreciate that.

December 14, 2011

Sexy Charlize Theron In New Photoshoot

I have long held the belief that Charlize Theron is one of the most beautiful women working in the entertainment industry today. It isn’t just her beauty that appeals to me though. It’s the fact that this woman is genuinely talented. She’s driven and focuses, willing to commit herself entirely to a role to pull it off. That’s not something many of the new up and coming actresses can do. It can be hard for a woman as beautiful as Charlize to be taken seriously in the film industry but Charlize has managed to earn respect and esteem through her work because she’s a truly fearless actress. All those starlets out there looking for a long lasting career should look to women like Charlize for inspiration. Her name has rarely been connected with the high profile scandals many of her contemporaries seem to be prone to and that’s helped her hold on to that respect she’s earned. She’s a smart, strong woman – two characteristics that make her even sexier. I love this woman. Can’t wait to see her in “Snow White and the Huntsman”.

December 13, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Looks Sexy In Hawaii

Lindsay Lohan is a mess blah blah blah. I don’t care what anyone says about Lindsay Lohan. I never have and I never will. I’m not the kind of person that jumps on bandwagons and these days, hating on Lohan is one of the biggest bandwagons in Hollywood. The girl has problems but I really think she’s getting her act together. I think her most recent troubles in court and her morgue duty have really opened Lindsay’s eyes. She’s a beautiful girl. I can already foresee someone saying she looks old or haggard but come on – that just isn’t the case. She looks incredible in these pictures from Hawaii and dare I say, healthier and happier than she has in a long time. I think Lindsay could make a huge comeback one day as long as she chooses the right project and gets her head together first.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }