Search Results for “big ass”

December 31, 2012
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Dita Von Teese Is All I Wanted For Christmas…

… and I didn’t get her. Santa, you really dropped the ball on that one. No Dita Von Teese under my tree with strategically placed bows on and nothing else but I guess these photos are the next best thing. Dita is my dream woman. Classy with that real ‘old Hollywood’ glamour so few women can pull off in this day and age. She’s so unique and so rare in modern pop culture and that’s a big part of the reason I’m so very much in love with her. These photos are exquisite. That body of hers is so beautiful with those soft curves in all the right places. Dita Von Teese – a real living legend. Absolutely flawless.

December 14, 2012

Anne Hathaway Flashes Vag At The Les Miserables Premiere.

I was wondering if I’d have to write about these photos and now, here we are. I’m writing about them, you’re reading about them and Anne Hathaway is out there somewhere shaking her head at all of us. She doesn’t get why her crotch shots are such a big deal. To be honest, I don’t really either. It’s not like you can see full vag. It’s just a little puff of hair. I’m far more impressed by the rest of the photos from the Les Miserables premiere, New York. Anne looks fabulous. I love the dress. I love the shoes and while I prefer her longer hair, I do like the shorter hair as well. I think this is a beautiful, classy woman – crotch shots or not.

December 13, 2012

Kim Kardashian In Playboy

Sometimes it’s nice to bring out the classics, isn’t it? I already had a mean dislike of Kim Kardashian going on when she posted for Playboy but when I saw the pictures, I had to give credit where credit was do. The lady looked fantastic. Now that some time has passed and my feelings for Kim had softened a little bit, I can look at the photos a bit more objectively. Yup. Still hot. Kim has an incredible body. I love her curves. I also love her confidence. This is a woman that knows how to turn it on for the camera. Of course I’m still not exactly Kim’s biggest fan but the girl looks good. I can’t even try to deny it.

November 21, 2012

New Courteney Cox Bikini Pics From Miami.

I know this is probably an unpopular opinion but I always felt like Courtney Cox was the most attractive member of the “Friends” cast. Jennifer Aniston is very pretty as well but she just never appealed to me the way Courtney Cox did. That’s a big part of the reason I love these Courtney Cox bikini pics from Miami. I think the lady looks fantastic. She doesn’t seem to be wearing a whole lot of makeup, if she’s wearing any makeup at all, and she still looks great. Is she starting to show her age? Maybe a little bit but I still think she looks incredible. I love this woman. She seems like a real class act and in an industry where trashy behavior is often rewarded, I have to give her credit for being a lady.

November 13, 2012
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Older Miley Cyrus Bikini Photos?

As some of you may know, I don’t pick the photos I post here. They’re assigned to me and often with little information. Sometimes though, I’m able to extrapolate the basics based on my unfortunately vast knowledge of all things pop culture. This is one of those times. I wasn’t given any information with these ones aside from the name of the person in them – Miley Cyrus – but based on a few things, I can guess they’re probably pretty old. First, she doesn’t look as stick thin as she looks these days. That’s not a bad thing. I think Miley looks better with a little bit of meat on her bones. Second, her hair is long and dark in these photos. That’s really the biggest indication these photos are a bit dated as Miley recently dyed her hair blond and chopped most of it off. I don’t think it matters much either way. Miley looks great here. I love the bikini, I love her hair and I love her curvier body. With all that said, I like how Miley looks now as well. I don’t think I really realized how many different looks Miley could pull off until I saw these photos so, dated or not, these photos have that going for them.

November 12, 2012

Brunette Lady Gaga And Her Tattoos On The Beach.

These photos could possibly be my favorite set of photos of Lady Gaga ever. They’re just so unexpected. I’ve long said that the only way Gaga could really still shock people after the meat dress, the weird egg thing and her cross dressing would be to wear something completely normal and that’s exactly what she’s done in these photos from Rio de Janeiro. If I didn’t know better, I’m not sure I’d even believe that was Mother Monster. The bikini is normal. The hair is normal. The sunglasses are normal. She looks just like the average girl on the beach and I absolutely love that. This is a woman who goes out of her way to stand out. It’s kind of nice to see her blending in. I’m also a big fan of the tattoos. I have a lot of tattoos myself so I guess I feel Gaga and I have that in common. I love these photos. She looks fantastic.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }