Search Results for “bikin”

February 20, 2012

More Stunning Bikini Pics Of Jennifer Nicole Lee

Health and fitness guru Jennifer Nicole Lee definitely has everything it takes to pull off a bikini. Her body is absolutely incredible as well it should. The girl clearly works hard to stay in shape. She’s made a career out of it, after all. After hitting nearly 200 lbs. after giving birth to her second child, Jennifer decided she wasn’t happy with the way she looked and did something not a lot of people do – she worked hard to change that. Her story is an absolute inspiration. She turned that determination into a health and fitness empire and I can’t hate on the girl for that at all. Love her, love her story and love the way she can rock a bikini.

February 15, 2012

New Bikini Pics Of Beautiful Scarlett Johansson

Here’s what I love about Scarlett Johansson – she’s a naturally beautiful woman who looks the way real women look in a bikini. She doesn’t have a perfect body. There’s a little cellulite but do you think she cares? I have to imagine she doesn’t. This is a woman that is really and truly comfortable in her own skin. She knows she’s beautiful just the way she is and I absolutely love that. Here in Hawaii, Scarlett hits the beach in a bikini with little regard for the cameras taking pictures of her every move. She’s not trying to pose or look sexy. She’s just having a good time with her friends. I don’t think it would be possible for me to love her more.

February 14, 2012

Sexy Ashley Tisdale Eats Ice Cream In A Bikini

Can I just saw how refreshing it is to see a young lady Hollywood starlet actually eating something? While wearing a bikini, no less? One of the things I’ve always loved about Ashley Tisdale is how normal she seems and the fact that she’s just hanging out in a bikini in Venice eating some ice cream and doing what most girls her age do only reinforces that. I’ve never really been a huge Tisdale fan but I like her a little more with every set of pictures I get of her. She’s not the typical blond bombshell and she’s not trying to be. I think this girl has the talent to do something really special with her career if she chooses to.

February 13, 2012

Beautiful Selena Gomez Relaxes Poolside In A Bikini

I have really been gaining a whole new appreciation for Selena Gomez as of late. It’s clear that she’s trying to make the transition to a more mature target audience (or perhaps keep her current target interested as they themselves mature) but she hasn’t gone the trashy route like so many before her. She might wear somewhat revealing outfits on stage or at press events but nothing that even comes close to crossing the line. You know what I like most about Selena? She gets that there is a time and a place for everything. Take her bikini shots from Rio de Janeiro for example. We’re seeing more of her in these pictures than we’ve ever seen on stage or in the red carpet and that’s the way it should be.

February 13, 2012

Sexy Maria Menounos Loses A Bet, Dons A Bikini

Have I mentioned how much I freaking love Maria Menounos lately? Everything about this girl makes me happy. Goinh into the Super Bowl, Maria publicly stated that if the Pats lost, she’d appear on “Extra” wearing a bikini featuring the Giants team colors. Good on her for following through on that. These pictures (taken from the “Extra” Show in Los Angeles) show the results of that lost bet. To be fair though, from what I understand, she wasn’t the only person a little surprised that the Giants took the big game. I have to imagine that while your team losing the Super Bowl is a crushing disappointment to a lot of people across America, seeing Maria in a bikini – even with the Giants team colors – had to be at least a bit of a consolation prize.

February 4, 2012

Sexy New Bikini Photos Of Sexy Jennifer Nicole Lee

It isn’t hard to tell just by looking at Jennifer Nicole Lee that she knows a thing or two about fitness. Her body is absolutely incredible. It isn’t that she’s stick thin like many of the celebrities we see in beach bikini shots because she isn’t. It’s because she clearly works very hard to keep her body in shape. I respect a woman who chooses to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine a lot more than someone who starves themselves to look better in a bikini. The health and fitness guru was photographed in Miami as she was sunbathing by the pool. She was in Miami to talk with magazine editors about her skincare secrets. I usually don’t think of sunbathing and skincare as going hand in hand but what do I know. Jennifer is clearly the expert.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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