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September 29, 2011
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AnnaLynne McCord Is A Golf Course Bikini Babe

I don’t actually know where these pictures of AnnaLynne McCord in a bikini were taken but it looks like a golf course to me what with the golf carts and the lush green grass. This kind of makes me wonder why AnnaLynne is strutting around on a golf course in a bikini. How distracting must that be for the other golfers? I’m kidding of course. I’m sure this was for a photo shoot or a scene from her show “90210”. Even so, just imagine if it’s not. That right there is enough to make me start playing golf. Well maybe not, but it’s enough to make me think about it.

September 29, 2011
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Kate Hudson Crotch Shots

The other day, I wrote about a new set of Britney Spears crotch shots and mentioned feeling a bit bad for her. Everything I said then can be said now for Kate Hudson but with Kate, it’s even more true. It’s clear the girl isn’t happy with the cameras crowding her; even putting up her hand to block them. Perhaps she should’ve blocked something a little lower but that’s really not the point. Say what you want about celebs asking for fame and all that – no one should have to worry about getting out of their car. Whatever though. Kate has been one of my favorite actresses since she played Penny Lane in “Almost Famous” so perhaps I’m just a little protective of her. Love Kate and despite the intrusion, I like these pictures. This is me being a complete hypocrite.

September 22, 2011
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More Olivia Wilde Pics From The Ralph Lauren Show

I know I just wrote a post about this Olivia Wilde look the other day but I was pretty happy to see another set of pictures of Olivia from the Ralph Lauren Fashion Show in New York on my assignment list all the same. I absolutely love this look for her. Everything about it is so refreshing. She looks classy and sophisticated but also sexy. That can be a hard line to find – the line between classy and boring, that is. Olivia walks it beautifully. There’s a reason this woman is one of my favorite up and coming actresses. I only hope that her career explodes the way I hope it will and she doesn’t fade into obscurity.

September 20, 2011
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Selena Gomez At The Abduction Premiere

I’m not sure I’ve really been clear in stating my affection for Selena Gomez so I think I’ll take the opportunity to do that now as you enjoy these pictures of her from the premiere of “Abduction”. I like Selena for many reasons although I have to be honest, I’m pretty up in the air about that which actually made her famous; her music and her acting. As far as I’m concerned, she’s decent at both but I doubt there are too many Grammy’s or Academy Awards in her future. I guess you never know. What I like about Selena is her attitude. She seems grounded and level headed, something that can’t be said about many of her contemporaries. I think Selena is the most likely to make it through the fame thing in one piece, especially when you compare her with her peer group. Sure there’s been some drama surrounding her, especially where the Biebs is concerned, but it’s been nothing compared with the drama surrounding Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato and Vanessa Hudgens. I think she’ll be fine. Plus, she’s also super hot, so she’s got that going for her. Will she have a long and successful career? Who knows, but I think she’ll be okay either way.

September 20, 2011

Sexy Ass Shots Of Hilary Duff In LA

So we all know Hilary Duff is pregnant. Why hide the bump? Perhaps that’s just the way Hilary always carries her purse, but it definitely looked more like baby bump hiding to me. It doesn’t matter. The girl still looks gorgeous. I don’t think I ever realized what a nice ass Hilary has until I saw these pictures. It’s always nice to find something new to fixate on with someone you’re crazy about and for me with Hilary, I think that new something will be her butt. Here in Los Angeles, Hilary looks like her usual laid back self. I love the fact that she’s not afraid to be casual. I’m looking forward to seeing her over the course of her pregnancy. I think she’s going to look adorable. Let’s hope she names her baby something normal. Enough crazy names, Hollywood. Seriously – enough.

September 19, 2011
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Hot Olivia Wilde At The Ralph Lauren Fashion Show

I’m not normally one for pants suits on a woman but I like the look on Olivia Wilde. Or is that a jumpsuit? Either way, I like it. She pulls it off nicely. While it is true that I’d like to see Olivia showing a little more skin, I love the fact that Olivia doesn’t feel the need to show off what she’s got every time she hits the red carpet. We know she’s got a fantastic body. Leaving something to the imagination every now and then keeps things interesting. It was also the perfect choice for an upscale event like the Ralph Lauren Fashion Show in New York. Many starlets were there dressed to the nines, but Olivia stood out because she went a different way with it.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }