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September 26, 2010

Pixie Lott Upskirt Shot Flashes Her Panties

I’m not sure why, but it seems every time I see pictures of Pixie Lott, I also see her panties. Here at the Mahiki Nightclub in London, Pixie once again gives us some lovely upskirt shots which reveal her light blue panties. The thing I like about Pixie is that she just doesn’t seem to care. So what? They’re just panties. I love that attitude. She doesn’t seem to be flashing her panties on purpose like you often see with other celebs. With Pixie you get the feeling she genuinely doesn’t know her panties are sticking out and genuinely doesn’t care. She realizes it, crosses her legs and carries on. She’s just a girl out having some fun with her friends. Nothing wrong with that.

September 21, 2010
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Blake Lively In Sexy Lacy Gown

Blake Lively, here on the set of Gossip Girl, is a budding fashion diva and with good reason. Blake personifies the new grace in Hollywood; the younger set who are breaking away from their trashier peer and doing something more unique. She carries herself with easy poise and elegance. She’s not afraid to be sexy but knows she doesn’t have to flaunt her body every chance she gets to prove herself. The rest of young Hollywood could take notes from this one. Sure she has a stylist who probably chooses every outfit Blake wears carefully, but kudos to Blake for having the kind of confidence needed to pull off the look. In certain circles, Blake isn’t talked about as much as the Momsens and the Cyruses of the world, but in a few years, Blake’s name will still be relevant while some of her more overtly sexualized peers will have to work much harder to stay in the spotlight. Sex only sells for so long before a younger, hotter poptart steals the show.

September 17, 2010
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Katy Perry Rocks Her Old High School

Maybe I’ve mentioned this before, but I seriously love Katy Perry. I gave her a bit of a hard time with the last pictures we saw of her, but she’s back to true form for these ones. She sexy, feisty yet still almost innocent looking. That’s not what I love about these pictures though. Actually, it’s not even the pictures I love, but the story. These were taken during Katy’s performance in Dos Pueblos High School in Santa Barbara, California; Katy’s old high school. During her surprise performance at her old school she singled out the boy who wouldn’t date her – the most popular boy in her class – and dedicated her song ‘You’re So Gay’ to him. It’s actually one of my favorite songs Katy does, but I love the message behind it. Any girl who was ever picked on or tormented for being different in school dreams of a moment like this – I speak from experience here – and it’s great Katy got her moment. Sure it backfired when the old flame basically said he didn’t care, but Katy should be no less proud of where she is. My moment came when my biggest tormentor approached me in a bar and said I got ‘so hot’. Good moment for me, bad moment for him. Remember, high school boys. Be nice to the weird girls too. You never know who they’re going to end up becoming. We remember these things, ya know.

September 15, 2010
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Hayden Panettiere Was Born In 1989

Can you believe that Hayden Panettiere just turned 21 in August? I mean… really? She’s a beautiful girl and I’ll never deny that. She has class and grace far beyond her years, but uh, doesn’t she look a little more mature than 21? Is this what 21 year old girls are supposed to look like? I’m not saying she looks old in a bad way. I’m just saying that when you see other young starlets her age out and about they usually look a lot less… glamorous. Does anyone else notice that in some of these pictures of Hayden taken at the Klitschko vs. Peter fight in Frankfurt she looks like a younger (much, much hotter) version of Hilary Clinton? Look again. You’ll see it. Even so, this girl has grace and poise many women twice her age don’t have. I think she’s one of the brightest young stars in Hollywood and even though her career has cooled since Heroes started nosediving in the ratings, I think you’re gonna see her come back with a vengeance.

September 10, 2010

Rihanna Shows Off Her Butt; World Rejoices

I love Rihanna. I really, honestly do. She’s gutsy. She’s talented and she’s completely adorable. She also has an ass that is just about as perfect as an ass can be. The great thing about Rihanna is that she knows the cameras are there but she doesn’t care a lick. If she wants to bend over, she’s gonna bend over. She doesn’t care if the camera zooms right in on her caboose because, well, she knows the thing is hot. I’d show it off too if I were her. Here in Hawaii, Rihanna hits the water in a bikini and just has fun with it. Sure she knows people are taking her picture, but she’s not about to let that get in the way of her good time.

September 3, 2010
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Cameron Diaz Has A Killer Caboose

Cameron Diaz celebrated her birthday in NYC in super-sexy style, donning a snug black dress with a plunging neckline which surely turned more than a few heads. Cameron, a notorious man-eater, knows she still has a killer body and doesn’t fail to show off one of her best assets (no pun intended) by bending over for the cameras and letting us get a look at it. Yes, Cameron’s legs are on fire and she has pretty much a perfect body but her butt is what really gets people’s attention. The fact that she has an awesome personality and isn’t afraid to take risks in her career only makes her more appealing. I love this girl. Happy birthday, Cam! Hope you had a good one!

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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