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July 11, 2012
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Sexy New Bikini Pics Of Hayden Panettiere

For a while, I wasn’t sure how I felt about Hayden Panettiere. I was a fan and then I started changing my opinion about her. It’s not that I ever went as far as to say I disliked her per say. I was just really starting to question the direction she was taking her career in. She was showing up to events wearing less and less clothing. She was looking much older than her age. I just couldn’t figure out what kind of statement she was trying to make. Lately, however, I’ve been changing my mind about her again. She’s looking classier when she’s out in public and she’s starting to look her age instead of much older. I love these bikini pics of Hayden because they feel so youthful and fun. It doesn’t hurt, of course, that she looks fantastic. She’s a beautiful girl. I’m glad to say I’m firmly back on Team Hayden again.

July 10, 2012
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Aubrey O’Day Also Forgot Her Pants. Epidemic?

The world is supposed to end this year. I’m sure you’ve heard a little something about that. We have crazy weather happening all over the globe, whole flocks of birds dropping from the skies, schools of fish washing up on the shores and far too many crazy cannibals coming out of the woodwork for my comfort. What does this have to do with Aubrey O’Day and her lost pants? Allow me to explain.
Moments ago, I wrote a post poking fun at Lady Gaga for apparently forgetting her pants at the airport. I open this post and see Aubrey O’Day posing for the photos you see here – photos in which she has also seemingly forgotten her pants. Could there be some sort of virus spreading around the world causing women to become absent minded enough to leave the house with only tights covering their panties? It might not sound dangerous, especially not when the woman in question is Aubrey O’Day but just imagine for a moment that Alessandra Ambrosio becomes infected? Miranda Kerr? Doutzen Kroes? Jennifer freakin’ Lopez? It would be sheer pandemonium! Now imagine it does the other way. I don’t find Aubrey super attractive but seeing her without pants isn’t a frightening experience but there are definitely some women that need their pants. Two words – Rosie O’Donnell. Scared yet?

July 10, 2012
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Sexy Bikini Pics Of Nicole Scherzinger Having Fun At The Beach.

The last time I posted about Nicole Scherzinger, I mentioned Nicole’s lack of success with her solo career and wondered if there was something about Nicole the public didn’t connect with. In the comments, a user named Mike pretty much hit the nail on the head. Nicole is lacking in the personalty department in a big way. Nicole is clearly gorgeous, talented and in fantastic shape but there is something hollow about her public persona. That’s a real shame. I enjoyed her on “The X Factor” but after reading some of the reviews of her time on the show, I think I may be among the minority on that one. Here in Mexico, Nicole is her typically gorgeous self and she really does seem to be having a good time but now that it’s been pointed out, I find it hard not to notice that the photos don’t really look natural. While this was clearly a photo shoot, many performers will be able to pose without looking like they’re posing. Perhaps this is something Nicole could work on. She might have more success. As Mike pointed out, personality counts for a lot in the entertainment industry and I’m inclined to agree.

July 10, 2012
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Eva Amurri Martino And Her Beach Bum.

I am a huge Susan Sarandon fan and was excited to learn her daughter, the beautiful Eva Amurri (now Eva Amurri Martina) was planning to follow in her famous mother’s footsteps. Perhaps what I like most about Eva is the fact that she doesn’t use her mother’s last name – a last name that would easily open a few doors for her in the entertainment industry. Instead, she’s trying to make it on her own talent and it’s really no wonder. This lady has talent to spare. While Eva isn’t the most classically attractive woman in the entertainment industry, there is something unique about her that I find absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to see where Eva’s career takes her and am hoping for nothing but bright things in her future.

July 9, 2012
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Rihanna Lets Her Butt Hang Out During Live Performance In London.

I know it must get old, me professing my love for Rihanna as I do, but I really can’t help it. The woman is just so beautiful and unlike some of her pop star contemporaries, I think she’s genuinely talented. While I have to admit “Music of the Sun” is the only Rihanna album I’ve loved from end to end, there isn’t an album she’s put out since that I don’t adore at least two or three songs on and in this day and age, I consider that fairly impressive. Here at the Barclaycard Wireless Festival in London, Rihanna puts on one of her trademark wild outfits to perform her music for what was probably a very appreciative audience.

July 7, 2012

Aubrey O’Day Just Isn’t All That Attractive To Me.

Yes Aubrey O’Day is more attractive than me and most of the average girls you see walking down the street every day. Yes Aubrey O’Day is more successful than I can ever hope to be. None of that means I’m writing this post out of jealousy or even really in a mean spirited frame of mind. I know there are a lot of people out there who find Aubrey stunning and I’ll admit there are times when I would count myself among that group. There are other times however, like now, for example, that I just don’t see what the big fuss is all about. I think her outfit here but I don’t really think it flatters her. Just a personal opinion though. I’m sure Aubrey couldn’t care less what I think and why should she? She has tons of fans that love her just the way she is. I just don’t happen to be one of them.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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